[Kaupunkitutkimus] Nordic Urban Lab, Espoo 22 - 24 March, extended registration DL 11 March, updated programme with workshops

Maunu Häyrynen mauhay at utu.fi
Mon Mar 5 21:11:06 EET 2018

Invitation to
Nordic Urban Laboratory
22, 23, 24 March 2018
Hanasaari / Hanaholmen - Helsinki / Espoo, Finland

Updated program and final call for participants

This will be the third and final open Nordic gathering of cultural managers and cultural strategists, urbanists and city planners, architects, visual and performance artists, researchers and academics, students, community organisers, urban activists, environmentalists, and city councellors, to look at alternative culturally based urban strategies and practice. The international keynote speakers include Charles Landry, Hans Kiib, Franco Bianchini, Nancy Duxbury, Lucy Bullivant, and we are also pleased that the artist collective Assemble, London, will be present.

With a transdisciplinary approach, with an agenda promoting a new role for artists as agents for creative communities, and by seeking to engage communities in the process of urban transformation, the Lab hopes to make a difference to existing practice, where cities are understood as complex and ever-changing social, cultural, psychological, material and communicative entities.

We have invited experts who are both doers, teachers, thinkers, strategists, makers, storytellers, and builders to contribute to this uniquely competent forum of knowledge to inspire, inform and debate the many cases and the many experiences made under the very broad ?cultural planning? headline, which covers a diverse menu of approaches.

Themes of the Nordic Urban Lab will explore some of the key aspects of taking a cultural

perspective on the city and on urban strategies and will include:
cultural mapping, from temporary to permanent, citizen led initiatives, activism and artivism, pop-up and performative architecture, place making, do-it-yourself urbanism, linking urban and cultural strategies, gaming and urbanism, microtopias for visioning, urban toolkits, engaging and empowering citizens, public space as the key, new directions for public art, informal and formal processes ? and naturally sessions on the methodology of cultural planning.

This intense two and a half day Laboratory based at the beautiful Hanasaari - Hanaholmen Cultural Centre will give an overview of both current European and Nordic trends and experience as well as focusing on issues, practices and cases in Finland.

One of the overall aims of the three Nordic Urban Labs (Copenhagen Metropolis Lab 2014 ? Borås/Gothenburg 2016 ? Helsinki 2018) is to develop a cultural planning toolkit, which can inform and support cities, communities, artists and cultural NGO?s to develop their own practice.

Eight keynotes will provide the fixed points of the Lab on all three days, and we will offer 12 thematic workshops/breakouts and 12 urban case studies from Nordic cities, so you can plan your own route in this urban maze. There will be pop-up events and excursions to museums, neighbourhoods and hubs to immerse you in other realities and to give you other perspectives.

Program DAY 1 Thursday March 22

09.00 Welcome by Tiina Kasvi, Cultural Man., Espoo City
09.15 Introduction to NUL by Trevor Davies

09.30 ? 12.30 Three international keynotes putting cultural planning into a context.
-Hans Kiib (DK) Prof. Aalborg University, author of a series of books on alternative urbanism/planning a.o.. ?Performative Urban Design?
-Panu Lehtovuori (FI) Professor of Planning Theory,
 Tampere Uni. of Tech. ?Towards Experiential
-Nancy Duxbury (PT/CA) Senior Researcher, University of Coimbra, ?Cultural Mapping as Cultural Enquiry?

12.30-13.30 Lunch
13.30-14.00 Panel - Why Cultural Planning?
Nordic experts: Jaana Simula (F) artist/arch. Maija Kovari (F) Erika Månsson (S) Lia Ghilardi (UK) Trevor Davies (DK) Matti Luci Arentz (N)

14.15-18.00 12 breakouts/workshops
See detailed program and book breakouts here: https://goo.gl/forms/79viRrHc1qNbCKMd2

Policies and Strategies
- Integrating Urban and Cultural Strategies in cities,         Dorte Skot-Hansen (DK)
- Cultural Mapping is the Key to Cultural Planning, Lia
Ghilardi (UK)
-The Experience of Cultural Planning in Swedish Towns
& Cities, Erika Månsson (S)

Participation, Engagement and Activism
- Breaking Cities, Peter Schultz Jørgensen (DK) and Mari
Vaattovaara (FI)
- Re-Engaging Citizens with their Cities, Aleksandra
Szymanska and Natalia Brylowska (PL)
- Civic Activism as Resources for The Metropolis, Maija
   Faehnle and Pasi Mäenpää (F)

Artistic Practice and Urban Transformation
-Cities Are Ours - The Public Space, Maija Kovari (Fi) & Jadwiga Charznska (PL)
- On The Edge, Kenneth Balfelt (DK)
-The Experience City, Gitte Marling (DK)

The Temporary and Instant City
-Do It Yourself Urbanism, Bureau Detours, Christian
  Juul Wendell (DK)
-Instant Urbanism, David Pinder (UK) and Marco
  Canevacci (IT)
-Playing Games in The Public Space, Jekaterina Lavrinec (LT)

18.00-21.00 Visit to Espoo Museum of Modern Art EMMA with presentation of relevant art-based urban projects in Espoo, reception with drinks and food. Welcome speech by Deputy Mayor Olli Isotalo, Head of Technical and Environment Services, Espoo.
Program DAY 2 Friday March 23

09.00-10.15 Overview and reactions from Day 1 followed by Keynote Creative Cities Network: Sarah Douglas-Murray & Ali Sabourin (CA).

10.30-13.00 & 15.30-16.45 12 breakouts with case studies.
See detailed program and book breakouts here: https://goo.gl/forms/79viRrHc1qNbCKMd2

Policies and Strategies
-Cultural Mapping and Planning in Pori, Jaana Simula,   Maunu Häyrynen, Vuokko Kemppi-Vienola & Marjo Heino (FI)
-Cultural Mapping and Planning in Skien and Tjørn, Laurie Smith Vestæl (N) and Tinna Harling (S)
-Urban Planning Toolkit, Creative City Network of Canada, Sarah Douglas-Murray & Ali Sabourin (CA)

Participation, Engagement and Activism
-Nikkilä Memories, digital memory mapping,
 Eveliina Harsia and Pilvi Nummi (FI)
-From Popular Protest to Citizens Driven Communities,
 Mikko Särelä (FI) Kirsten Sydendal (DK)
-What is a Truly Playful City - engaging children in the future of the city, Billund, Christian Pagh (DK)

Artistic Practice and Urban Transformation
-Performative Landscapes,
 Sara Erlingsdotter (S), Joanne Leighton (AUS/BE)
-Life Mapping in The Arctic, Luba Kuzovnikova (N)
-Co-designing in The Public Space, RaivioBumann (FI)

The Temporary and Instant City
-Exploring Urban Space with Anti Festival, Johanna   Tuukkanen (FI)
-A decade of Alternative Urban Living, Institut for X (DK)
-Activism as Strategy, Free Riga and Alte Mu, Kiel, Kaspars Lielgalvis (LV) & Liva Kreislere (LV) Friederike Kopp (DE)

13.00-14.00 Lunch

14.00-15.15 Panel - Cultural planning in the Finnish context as a potential strategic tool: Kirsi Kaunisharju, Kirsi Korhonen, Maunu Häyrynen, Timo Cantell, Kai Lehikoinen, Helka Kalliomaki

15.30-16.45 Breakouts with case studies (see above)

17.00-18.00 Keynote by Franco Bianchini (UK): ?From cultural planning to urban activism?

18.30-21.30 An informal evening programme at Hanaholmen, featuring a presentation of the artist collective Assemble (UK), winners of the Turner Prize 2015 at 19.30 hrs.

Program DAY 3 Saturday March 23

Focus on the perspective of the citizen with city trips, meetings and city walks with instant mappings.

9.00-11.00 at Hanasaari/Hanaholmen

Keynote by Lucy Bullivant (UK), PhD Hon FRIBA
place vision strategist, curator, director Urbanizta.org. editor ?Hyperlocal: A Cultural Toolkit for Open Source City?, co-author ?Recoded City - co-creating urban futures?, 2017 ? on participatory placemaking visions.
Keynote by Charles Landry (UK), the renowned cultural urbanist and inventor of the Creative City concept helps us to navigate the evolving urban landscapes and its potential. The perfect start to explore any city is Charles? new book ?The Civic City in Nomadic World?
Helsinki Mobile Lab
11.30-13.00 The bus becomes our mobile lab with commentaries in route, visiting Aalto University/Group X. They are remounting the exhibition ?Human Cities: Challenging the City Scale? and showcasing projects made throughout Europe by participating cities, including versatile approaches to contemporary collaborative design, where active urbanism shows it diverse character.  Aalto University contributes with School as Service project where the possibilities for children to access and participate in the city is presented.
Presentations by Prof Antti Ahlava, Vice President Aalto University, Anssi Joutsiniemi, Adjunct Professor, Head of Urban Studies & Planning master's programme
13.15-14.00 The third stop will be a visit to the Kalasatama/Fiskehammen neighbourhood where cultural planning is practiced, to meet artists, strategists, communities and activists including the ?More City to Helsinki? group. Host Stuba Nikula.
14.15-15.00 The second stop will be The Museum of Finnish Architecture, where we will meet young urbanists who have just formed the Cultural Planning Finland. Their first event! An informal discussion on their perspectives and visions. Eveliina Harsia and Pilvi Nummi are our guides.
The Nordic Urban Lab ends with a final reception with drinks, snacks and an informal panel session at a downtown location 15.00-16.00.
Final program plus CVs on all presenters and contacts of all participants available at the conference.
Nordic Urban Lab has received funding from:


Please register via the form:
Breakouts booking for registered participants:

Final workshop/breakout program
Individual booking for your choice of workshops ? only for registered participants ? Deadline 11 March.

Contact & Questions Please contact Metropolis ? Københavns Internationale Teater for further questions: Stine Dalby, Project Coordinator: sed at kit.dk / (+45) 3315 1564

Conference Fee
EUR 350 for professionals and EUR 150 for students and independent artists. This includes the full conference programme, documentation, lunches on all three days plus tea/coffee/snacks.

Hanaholmen is offering accommodation for out of town participants at reduced rates. Rooms can be booked via email reception at hanaholmen.fi or phone +358 (0)9 435 020 with reference to Nordic Urban Lab.

Metropolis by Københavns Internationale Teater Metropolis is an artistic platform focusing on site-specific creation. Københavns Internationale Teater is the organisation behind Metropolis and is supported by The Danish Arts Foundation and the City of Copenhagen. www.metropolis.dk

Nordic Urban Lab 2018 is organised in collaboration with Espoo, Pori, Sipoo Cultural Dpts., University of Turku, Aalto University and Hanaholmen.

Programme responsible: Trevor Davies (Metropolis) - td at kit.dk / (+45) 2940 4489 & Maunu Häyrynen (Uni. of Turku) - mauhay at utu.fi  / (+358) 40 864 940

Multitrack workshop programme following attached

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