[Kaupunkitutkimus] François Matarasso's lecture: A Restless Art: 50 years of British community art in theory and practice

Sari Karttunen sari.karttunen at cupore.fi
Fri Feb 2 13:16:46 EET 2018

François Matarasso will give a lecture A Restless Art: 50 years of British community art in theory and practice in Uniarts Helsinki's Sibelius Academy (T-Wegelius, Töölönkatu 28, Helsinki) on the 13th of February at 1pm to 4pm. Free entry, you are very welcome!
You are also welcome to attend Matarasso's workshop Why does participatory art involve ethics? on the 12th of February at 12 pm to 3 pm, Uniarts Helsinki's Sibelius Academy (Wegelius Halli, 4th fl., Töölönkatu 28, Helsinki).
The workshop is a facilitated discussion, illustrated with examples. It consists of two parts: the first part focuses on six reasons why participatory art involve ethics; the second part of the workshop looks at the five stages of a project, and the ethical questions that might be asked at each stage. Free entry. NOTICE! Advance registration required. https://my.surveypal.com/AE-Matarasso-workshop-2018
About Matarasso
François Matarasso has worked in community arts since 1981 as an artist, producer, researcher, writer and trainer. He has published influential work on the social outcomes of participation in the arts, and on the history, theory and practice  of community art. He works freelance with arts organisations, foundations and public bodies, and has experience of community-based cultural work in about 40 countries. His latest book, A Restless Art, will be published by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation in 2018. For more information see http://arestlessart.com
Matarasso’s open lecture is organised jointly by the ArtsEqual Research Initiative, CUPORE Centre for Culture Policy Research and the University of the Arts Helsinki’s CERADA Center for Educational Research and Academic Development in the Arts.

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