[Kaupunkitutkimus] Guest lecture "Smart Cities beyond Fad and Hype: Connecting People, Place and Technology” 19.1.

Ruoppila Sampo sampo.ruoppila at turku.fi
Thu Jan 11 15:53:02 EET 2018

Turku Urban Research Programme wishes you welcome to the guest lecture of Professor Marcus Foth (Queensland University of Technology) on

"Smart Cities beyond Fad and Hype: Connecting People, Place and Technology”

Friday 19 January, 14-16

Pub 4, Publicum building, Assistentinkatu 7, Turku

On Professor Foth’s work, see https://www.vrolik.de

PS. On the following day, Professor Foth will act as an opponent for Titiana-Petra Ertiö’s PhD defence “Plan on the Move: Mobile Participation in Urban Planning”, starting at 10 in Pub 3. Welcome!

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