[Kaupunkitutkimus] Invitation to Nordic Urban Lab - 22. 23. 24. March 2018 in Helsinki

Maunu Häyrynen mauhay at utu.fi
Thu Dec 21 12:20:03 EET 2017

Nordic Urban Laboratory

22, 23, 24 March 2018, Helsinki/Espoo Finland

Take a cultural perspective on the city

Pre-booking is open

Nordic Urban Lab<http://www.metropolis.dk/nordic-urban-lab/> is the third and final open Nordic gathering of cultural managers and cultural strategists, urbanists and city planners, architects, visual and performance artists, researchers and academics, students, community organisers, urban activists, environmentalists, and city councilors, to look at alternative culturally based urban strategies and practice.

This intense two and a half day Laboratory based at the beautiful Hanasaari ? Hanaholmen Cultural Centre<https://www.hanaholmen.fi/en/culturalcentre/> will give an overview of both current European and Nordic trends and experience as well as focusing on issues, practices and cases in Finland.

One of the overall aims of the three Nordic Urban Labs (Copenhagen Metropolis Lab 2014 ? Borås/Gothenburg 2016 ? Helsinki 2018) is to develop a cultural planning tool kit, which can inform and support cities, communities, artists and cultural NGO?s to develop their own practice in the field.

We invite you to take part in this.

Themes of the Nordic Urban Lab?
will explore some of the key aspects of taking a cultural perspective on the city and on urban strategies and will include;
cultural mapping, from temporary to permanent, citizens led initiatives, activism and artivism, pop up and performative architecture, place making, do it yourself urbanism, linking urban and cultural strategies, gaming and urbanism, microtopias for visioning, urban tool kits, engaging and empowering citizens, public space as the key, new directions for public art, informal and formal processes ? and naturally sessions on cultural planning.

We have invited some 40 key persons to engage and to kick-start discussions, but Nordic Urban Laboratory is structured to allow all participants to come with their experiences and their input.

Seven key notes will provide the fixed points of the Lab on all three days, and we will offer 12 thematic workshops/break outs and 12 urban case studies from Nordic cities, so you can plan your own route in this urban maze. There will be pop up events and excursions to museums, neighborhoods and hubs to immerse you in other realities and to give you other perspectives.

Programme outline:
Day 1 (9.30-19/21.00 hrs. optional) will focus on the methods and experience of cultural planning and on key themes.
Day 2 (9.00-19/21.00 hrs. optional) will focus on case studies and on strategies /application in Finland.
Day 3 (9.00-15.00 hrs.) will focus on city trips, meetings and walks with instant mappings.

Pre-registration: Please send us your name and contacts to ensure pre-booking, and you will receive the draft programme and final booking option from 5 January 2018 ?
info at kit.dk<mailto:info at kit.dk>

Registration opens on 8 January

Contact & Questions: Please contact Metropolis ? Københavns Internationale Teater for further questions: info at kit.dk<mailto:info at kit.dk>  T. (+45) 3315 1564 (office closed Dec 23-Jan. 2)
Please state your name and organization /role in the pre-registration.

Conference Fee: 350 Euros for professionals & 150 Euros for students.
This includes the full conference programme, documentation and excursions, plus coffee, refreshments and lunches at Hanaholmen. Payment is not required to the pre-registration.

Accommodation: Hanaholmen is offering accommodation for out of town participants at the Lab at reduced rates. Rooms can be booked via Hanaholmen with reference to Nordic Urban Lab ?

Organisation: Metropolis ? Københavns Internationale Teater
in collaboration with Espoo, Pori and Sipoo City Councils/ Cultural Dpts., The University of Turku, Aalto University and Hanasaari/Hanaholmen.
Contact: Trevor Davies (Metropolis): td at kit.dk<mailto:td at kit.dk>, (+45) 2940 4489 / Maunu Häyrynen (Uni. of Turku): mauhay at utu.fi<mailto:mauhay at utu.fi>

The Nordic Urban Lab has received funding from The Nordic Culture Fund.

Find all info on www.metropolis.dk<http://www.metropolis.dk>

Best regards,

Metropolis ? Københavns Internationale Teater
Katrien Verwilt & Trevor Davies
(+45) 3315 1564
info at kit.dk<mailto:info at kit.dk>

Maunu Häyrynen
Professor in Landscape Studies
University of Turku

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