[Kaupunkitutkimus] Tenure track professor in Geography

Vaattovaara, Mari K mari.vaattovaara at helsinki.fi
Sun Aug 27 20:58:34 EEST 2017



Assistant Professor geography | Helsingin yliopisto<https://www.helsinki.fi/fi/avoimet-tyopaikat/assistant-professor-geography>
The University of Helsinki is a multidisciplinary research university, which ranks among the leading universities in the world and the top ten universities in Europe.

Mari Vaattovaara, Ph.D, Professor of Urban Geography

Vice Dean
Faculty of Science

Head, Division of Urban Geography and Regional Science
Department of Geosciences and Geography

P.O. Box 64
FIN-00014 University of Helsinki

University of Helsinki
00014 Finland
mobile +358-(0)50-4154861, fax +358-(0)9-19150760

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