[Kaupunkitutkimus] Open lecture by Dr Daniele Garcia on GOOD CITY LIFE Friday 17.3. 14.00-15.00 PUB2

Ruoppila Sampo sampo.ruoppila at turku.fi
Tue Mar 14 19:35:10 EET 2017

Edelliseen viestiini oli lipsahtanut väärä päivämäärä. Oikea on 17.3.
Pyydän jakamaan ilmoitusta omien oppiaineidenne piirissä, jos ei ole jo tippunut listalle.


On 14 Mar 2017, at 18.50, Ruoppila Sampo <sampo.ruoppila at turku.fi<mailto:sampo.ruoppila at turku.fi>> wrote:

Mitä tietojärjestelmätieteilijä voi saada irti sosiaalitieteellisen kaupunkitutkimuksen kysymyksenasetteluista yhteisömedioihin perustuvalla massiivisella datalla. Tätä pääsee maistamaan perjantaina. Turun kaupunkitutkimusohjelma tarjoaa. Tervetuloa!


Open lecture by Dr Daniele Garcia (Nokia Bell Labs) on


this Friday 17.3. 14.00-15.00 at University of Turku, PUB 2 (Publicum, Assistentinkatu 7)

The corporate smart-city rhetoric is about efficiency, predictability, and security. “You’ll get to work on time; no queue when you go shopping, and you are safe because of CCTV cameras around you”. Well, all these things make a city acceptable, but they don’t make a city great. We are launching goodcitylife.org<https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fgoodcitylife.org%2F&h=ATNbMceF3_ityCN7miKdNLbEhfWn9WB5sO5yaX3z842zEb8m-e95mtzNqRCjirrTYZQbWaH-ETlH9geDEdVr70tPsPYrEsgL_FX6dpXZcpHG3x9zB7k_sevr5aQIh_HyeGONCD5Z9g&enc=AZNzS58JGk-vJBP5DmYWvn7hAby2fRDqkGWtGNbXxH2nvkiwZUkWDXyuACnu0ype4WM&s=1> - a global group of like-minded people who are passionate about building technologies whose focus is not necessarily to create a smart city but to give a good life to city dwellers. The future of the city is, first and foremost, about people, and those people are increasingly networked. We will see how a creative use of network-generated data can tackle hitherto unanswered research questions. Can we rethink existing mapping tools? Is it possible to capture smellscapes of entire cities and celebrate good odors? And soundscapes?

Daniele Quercia leads the Social Dynamics group at Nokia Bell Labs in Cambridge (UK). He has been named one of Fortune magazine's 2014 Data All-Stars, and spoke about “happy maps” at TED. His research has been focusing in the area of urban informatics and received best paper awards from Ubicomp 2014 and from ICWSM 2015, and an honourable mention from ICWSM 2013. He was Research Scientist at Yahoo Labs, a Horizon senior researcher at the University of Cambridge, and Postdoctoral Associate at the department of Urban Studies and Planning at MIT. He received his PhD from UC London. His thesis was sponsored by Microsoft Research and was nominated for BCS Best British PhD dissertation in Computer Science.

Daniele is visiting Turku connected to the workshop ‘Location-based social media data analysis’ running this week as part of Urban Studies Minor at University of Turku and Åbo Akademi University.
After the lecture the event will continue 15.00-18.00 with presentations of students’ group works on various urban phenomena in Turku, based on content analysis of tens of thousands of Instagram pictures.

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