[Kaupunkitutkimus] Open guest lecture by Dr. Daniel Hedlund on March 6th

Ruoppila Sampo sampo.ruoppila at turku.fi
Thu Mar 2 11:19:09 EET 2017

Begin forwarded message:

From: Johanna Nurmi <johnurm at utu.fi<mailto:johnurm at utu.fi>>
Subject: [Sospol] Reminder: Open guest lecture by Dr. Daniel Hedlund on March 6th
Date: 2 March 2017 at 10.45.15 GMT+2
To: "publicum at utu.fi<mailto:publicum at utu.fi>" <publicum at utu.fi<mailto:publicum at utu.fi>>

Open guest lecture at the Department of Social Research on March 6th

Daniel Hedlund (Stockholm University):
Swedish migration politics and procedure concerning unaccompanied minors

Commentary by Suvi Keskinen (University of Turku) and Eveliina Lyytinen (Migration Institute of Finland)

Time: Monday March 6th, 13.15 – 14.45 pm
Venue: Pub4, Publicum (Assistentinkatu 7), University of Turku


Daniel Hedlund (PhD Stockholm University 2016) is a researcher with interests in asylum- and reception policy concerning unaccompanied minors. He has a professional background as a lawyer who later retrained in Sociology. Hedlund is now working in the interdisciplinary field of Child and Youth Science.http://www.su.se/english/profiles/dahe4139-1.189352

The lecture is organized by the Cultural Interaction Researcher Network (KULTVA) at the Department of Social Research. http://www.utu.fi/fi/yksikot/soc/yksikot/sosiaalitieteet/muuta/kultva/Sivut/home.aspx

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