[Kaupunkitutkimus] Call for Papers: International Conference on “Polarisation, Fragmentation and Resilience: Four Urban Contexts Compared”

Outi Luova outluo at utu.fi
Wed Mar 1 09:18:40 EET 2017

International Conference on “Polarisation, Fragmentation and Resilience: Four Urban Contexts Compared”
29 Nov – 1 Dec 2017
Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong

Different economic, social and political trajectories have resulted in varying patterns of spatial fragmentation, which is related to factors such as access to employment, income and wealth inequality, housing affordability, and racial and ethnic segregation, and is informed in major part by their urban morphologies.
The conference represents an international collaboration to conduct comparative analysis on the nature and manifestations of urban socio-spatial polarisation, fragmentation and segregation in USA, South Africa, Hong Kong and mainland China, with a view to identifying policy initiatives to enhance urban resilience. In addition to paper sessions, a one-day field excursion to public housing estates and other neighbourhoods in Hong Kong will be held.
Specific objectives include:

  *   To investigate the impacts of economic restructuring on access to and quality of employment, with special reference to the global trajectories of the above four urban contexts and the different experiences of polarisation and fragmentation that have resulted;
  *   To identify the distinct racial and ethnic dimensions that affect access to housing and employment, such as: in-migration from mainland China and elsewhere in Hong Kong; rapid urbanization in mainland China under hukou delineation; migration of Black South Africans to Cape Town and Pretoria since the end of Apartheid; and the changing patterns of racial segregation and international in-migration in Atlanta, in the context of state policies on migration, housing and employment that either exacerbate or moderate polarisation and fragmentation; and
  *   To decipher the nature and extent of urban resilience in coping with problems of polarisation and fragmentation.
Conference Dates:
29 Nov – 1 Dec 2017 (Plenary paper sessions on Day 1 and 2; a study tour on Day 3)
Conference Venue:
David C Lam Institute for East-West Studies, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong
Keynote Speakers:

  *   Prof Ray Forrest, Chair Professor of Housing and Urban Studies, City University of Hong Kong
  *   Prof Risa Palm, Provost, Georgia State University
Abstract Submission:

  *    Abstract submission (Deadline: 31 Jul 2017)
Please submit abstracts (max 300 words) in MS Word, including title, author name(s) and affiliation(s), abstract text, and keywords.
Please note that a target of 25 papers is set. Parallel sessions will be avoided to facilitate exchange of views and research findings.

  *   Paper submission (Deadline: 30 Sep 2017)
Accepted presenters are expected to submit full papers. Selected manuscripts will be considered to be published as a special issue on “comparative urban polarisation, fragmentation and resilience” in a leading journal.
Please email your abstracts and papers to duhuimin at hkbu.edu.hk<mailto:duhuimin at hkbu.edu.hk>.
Conference Registration:
Registration fee: HKD 1100 (USD 150)
The registration fee includes coffee and snacks, lunches, conference dinner and site visit.
Payment of registration fee will be collected on site.
Depending on funding availability, registration fee may be waived for accepted presenters upon request (ONLY one presenter for one paper).
Organising Committee:

  *   Prof Owen Crankshaw, University of Cape Town
  *   Prof Chrisna Duplessis, University of Pretoria
  *   Prof Ann-Margaret Esnard, Georgia State University
  *   Dr Pu Hao, Hong Kong Baptist University
  *   Dr Adrienne La Grange, City University of Hong Kong
  *   Prof Si-ming Li, Hong Kong Baptist University
  *   Dr Cathy Liu, Georgia State University
  *   Dr Jun Wang, City University of Hong Kong

  *   Urban Studies Foundation
  *   Hong Kong Baptist University
Conference Secretariat:
Dr Huimin Du, David C Lam Institute for East-West Studies, Hong Kong Baptist University, Email: duhuimin at hkbu.edu.hk<mailto:duhuimin at hkbu.edu.hk>, Tel: +852 34115337, Fax: +852 34115128
Conference Website:

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