[Kaupunkitutkimus] Abstracts to PLANNORD 2017 symposium, Helsinki due Feb 28!

Ruoppila Sampo sampo.ruoppila at turku.fi
Wed Feb 22 11:17:31 EET 2017

Jatko-opiskelijoille erityistäkynä Patsy Healeyn vetämä, konferenssia edeltävä PhD workshop. 

> Call for abstracts – PLANNORD 2017, Helsinki
> Call for abstracts is open until 28th February
> Conference website: http://www.uta.fi/jkk/en/plannord2017/index.html
> The 8th Nordic planning research symposium of the PLANNORD network will be held in Helsinki on August 16th –18th, 2017, with the overall theme ‘Planning Redefined’. A PhD workshop on August 15th 2017 will precede the symposium.
> The 2015 symposium in Stockholm held the theme ‘Planning in Crisis/Crisis in Planning’, discussing the challenges posed to planners and their institutions. The identified challenges related to, among others, legitimacy, knowledge, and effectiveness of planning in the face of new modes of governance, market-driven urbanization and climate change. In Helsinki, this discussion will be continued, and new responses proposed, including efforts to reform planning institutions, emerging forms of agency in planning, new instruments of knowledge management, and new experiments in, and evidence from adding agility and harnessing creativity in planning. Is planning being redefined, shifting agency and capability to new forums, roles and resources that the planners themselves need to identify in order to make a lasting difference? How are these challenges and opportunities to be understood especially in the Nordic context? Planning is driven by demand, but are the planners and planning institutions still on board?
> Keynote speakers:
> Louis Albrechts (professor of planning, University of Leuven), Patsy Healey (professor of town and country planning, Newcastle University), Helena Leino (senior lecturer of environmental policy, University of Tampere) and Willem Salet (professor of urban and regional planning, University of Amsterdam)
> Tracks:
> Changing concepts of regional planning
> Agency in planning
> Nordic urbanisation trajectories and policy instruments
> Experiment-driven agile cities
> Planning with creativity
> Venue: Aalto University School of Business, Runeberginkatu 14-16, Helsinki
> Submission instructions:
> The maximum length of the abstract is 300 words supplemented by 3–5 keywords. Abstracts must be submitted in English. The abstract should contain the track title, abstract title, authors and the e-mail address of the corresponding author. Please submit your abstract in PDF format by email to plannord2017 at uta.fi on February 28th at the latest.
> Notification of acceptance by March 31st.
> The authors of accepted abstracts have the possibility to submit a full paper. This is encouraged particularly for the PhD workshop participants. Full papers need to be submitted by June 30th to plannord2017 at uta.fi.
> Participation fees:
> Early bird (until May 31st): 300 euros, 150 euros for PhD students
> Late registration (until July 31st): 350 euros, 200 euros for PhD students

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