[Kaupunkitutkimus] Entangled mobilities -conference in Finland 22-23.5. (Jyväskylä)

Anna Kirveennummi anna.kirveennummi at utu.fi
Mon Jan 30 13:14:32 EET 2017




Call for papers of the Biennial Conference of the Finnish Anthropological Society 2017 "Entangled Mobilities" in Jyväskylä is now open. We invite papers which fall within the theme of the conference.(http://www.antropologinenseura.fi/en/events/anthropology-conference-2017/)
Anthropology Conference 2017 » The Finnish Anthropological ...<http://www.antropologinenseura.fi/en/events/anthropology-conference-2017/>

Biennial Conference of the Finnish Anthropological Society 2017. Anthropologists have long recognized the complexities of the flows of people, ideas and objects ...

The Biennial Conference of the Finnish Anthropological Society 2017 seeks to explore different kinds of mobilities and their interconnections. We ask how spatial and social mobilities are entangled with each other and broader economic, social and political processes. We invite papers which explore following themes: place making; production of boundaries; relationships between actors of mobility (states, citizens, genders classes, generations, the rural and the urban); artifacts and technologies of mobility (new media, material culture, vehicles and food); imaginaries of mobility; movement of ideas and structures (such as education, notions of kinship and family, marriage). We invite all anthropologists and researchers from related disciplines to participate!

The deadline for paper proposals is 23rd of February 2017. Notifications of acceptance will be sent by early March.

Paper proposals can be submitted for consideration for confirmed panels or without specifying the panel (http://www.antropologinenseura.fi/en/events/anthropology-conference-2017/panels/). If you wish to choose a panel for your paper, send your proposal directly to the panel organizers but also send a copy to the organizer (mobilityconference2017 at gmail.com<mailto:mobilityconference2017 at gmail.com>). If you do not wish to choose a panel, send your paper proposal only to the conference organizers (mobilityconference2017 at gmail.com<mailto:mobilityconference2017 at gmail.com>).

To submit your paper proposal, send the following information: name, affiliation, contact information, the title of the paper, the abstract (max. 200 words) and the name of the panel you wish to participate (see the list of panels) to the e-mail addresses of the organizers of the panel in question and to the conference organizers (mobilityconference2017 at gmail.com<mailto:mobilityconference2017 at gmail.com>).

If you do not want to choose any of the advertised panels, leave out the panel information and only send your proposal to mobilityconference2017 at gmail.com<mailto:mobilityconference2017 at gmail.com>.
Keynote speakers

Professor Purnima Mankekar, (Departments of Gender Studies and Asian American Studies at the University of California, Los Angeles)

Professor Mankekar offers a new understanding of the affective and temporal dimensions of how India and "Indianness," as objects of knowledge production and mediation, circulate through transnational public cultures.

Senior researcher Hans Lucht (Danish Institute for International Studies, Kööpenhamina)

Dr Lucht's talk focuses on undocumented migration from Africa to Europe via North Africa.

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