[Kaupunkitutkimus] Intensive urban studies course on location-based social media data analysis

Ruoppila Sampo sampo.ruoppila at turku.fi
Tue Jan 24 10:13:27 EET 2017

*Please circulate*

Urban Studies Minor proudly presents: come explore urban phenomena through social media data analysis. The workshop is eligible for Bachelor, Master and PhD students in the field of urban studies (broadly!). Applications by 17.2.

XSTL1053 Location-based social media data analysis 4 ECTS
This workshop uses location-based social media data to unveil, map and study the meta-morphology of Turku. Participants will use large datasets from Instagram, Twitter and Airbnb to find meta-trends in the use of outdoor and indoor spaces and map activity patterns using geographic information software.

Intensive course week 13.-17.3.2017. Please do not plan other activities during this period.
Deadline for applications 17.2.

The course will be teached by Damiano Cerrone (Tampere University of Technology & SPIN Unit). Additional briefings and commentaries by Dr Daniele Garcia (Bell Labs), Professor Panu Lehtovuori (Tampere University of Technology) and Sampo Ruoppila (University of Turku).

Further information: https://nettiopsu.utu.fi/opas/opetusohjelma/marjapuuro.htm?id=14183<https://nettiopsu.utu.fi/opas/opetusohjelma/marjapuuro.htm?id=14183>

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