[Kaupunkitutkimus] Fwd: JOBS: Post-Doctoral Researcher & Project Researcher in North American Studies:/Deadline January 20, 2017

Ruoppila Sampo sampo.ruoppila at turku.fi
Wed Jan 4 05:51:48 EET 2017


Yhdysvaltoihin perehtyneelle (kaupunki)tutkijalle mahdollisuuksia JMC:ssa.


Dear Colleagues,

The John Morton Center for North American Studies has two job openings, beginning February 1, 2017:

Post-Doctoral Researcher/Tutkijatohtori
Project Researcher/Projektitutkija

Application Deadlines: January 20, 2017.

Please see the University of Turku website for more information at:


For English, please click on the "Open Vacancies" link.

Feel free to circulate this message.

Best wishes,

Benita Heiskanen


Benita Heiskanen, Ph.D., Title of Docent
Director, John Morton Center for North American Studies
Assistentinkatu 7
20014 University of Turk
Email: benita.heiskanen at utu.fi<mailto:benita.heiskanen at utu.fi>
Tel. +358-29-450 2205
Cell. +358-400-501889
Web: http://www.utu.fi/jmc<https://mail.utu.fi/owa/redir.aspx?C=xlD3sgPDmE-QYlGeStzos5NCSS-OEtEI1zLT1T8_leiNCKBvWTqQjaHiWqNl0P72o1126e-aAPc.&URL=http%3a%2f%2fwww.utu.fi%2fjmc>

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