[Kaupunkitutkimus] 2nd ALUS symposium – “Scaling the city”, Turku, Friday 2.12.2016

Lieven Ameel Lieven.Ameel at staff.uta.fi
Mon Nov 21 09:36:45 EET 2016

Welcome to the second symposium of the Association for Literary Urban Studies (former HLCN), with as theme “Scaling the City: Poetics of Micro- and Macro- in Literary Urban Studies”.

The symposium will be held at Åbo Akademi University, Friday 2 December, 2016. Time and place: 11h-15h; Auditorium Jöns Budde, Arken, Tehtaankatu 2, 20500 Turku

“Scaling the City” will offer a meeting where researchers can present ongoing work related to city literature, as well as a theory reading. Anyone interested in urban literary studies is most welcome to participate. Please do sign up if you intend to participate (by mail to jfinch at abo.fi<mailto:jfinch at abo.fi>) before 29.11.2016.

For more information on the association see http://blogs.helsinki.fi/hlc-n/

Feel free to disseminate this information to anyone interested in literary urban studies.



11-12.30: welcome, presentations
Faith Mkwesha (English / gender studies, ÅA), “Mbare Township and Operation Murumbatsvina: Man-Made Disaster vs Natural Disaster in Zimbabwean Women's Novels”
Stuart McWilliams (English, ÅA), “The City is a Map of the City: Ciaran Carson and the Presence of Belfast”
Hannu Poutiainen (UEF, KONE Postdoctoral Fellow), “Scalar Poetics in Alejandro Amenábar’s Agora”

12.30-13.30 lunch break

13.30-15.00 Discussion and theory reading – concepts in literary urban studies

The discussion will centre, first, on the concept of scale (see abstract attached), in the context of modern urban theory and the study of literature.

Theory reading: Jason Finch 2016: “Modern Urban Theory and the Study of Literature” (forthcoming chapter, Palgrave Handbook of Literature and the City)

The text can be found here:


15.00-16.00 Association for Literary Urban Studies meeting

For more information on the seminar or the association: contact jfinc at abo.fi<mailto:jfinc at abo.fi>, lieven.ameel at uta.fi<mailto:lieven.ameel at uta.fi>

with best wishes,



Dr., docent Lieven Ameel
University Lecturer
School of Language, Translation and Literary Studies (LTL)
University of Tampere
follow me on twitter: @lievenameel

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