[Kaupunkitutkimus] VL: Open position: Senior Research Fellow in the field of urban development

Anna Kirveennummi anna.kirveennummi at utu.fi
Fri Oct 21 14:00:21 EEST 2016

Lähettäjä: Harry.Ekestam at tem.fi [mailto:Harry.Ekestam at tem.fi]
Lähetetty: 21. lokakuuta 2016 12:47
Vastaanottaja: janne.huovari at ptt.fi; ari.hynynen at tut.fi; torsti.hyyrylainen at helsinki.fi; jouni.hakli at uta.fi; tommi.inkinen at helsinki.fi; Jussi Jauhiainen <jusaja at utu.fi>; petri.kahila at uef.fi; Jari Kaivo-oja <jari.kaivo-oja at utu.fi>; hilkka.kallio at gtk.fi; paivi.karhunen at hse.fi; ilari.karppi at uta.fi; marko.karvinen at hel.fi; Juha Kaskinen <juha.kaskinen at utu.fi>; hka at uwasa.fi; reijo.keranen at aluekehityssaatio.fi; Anna Kirveennummi <anna.kirveennummi at utu.fi>; sppeko at uta.fi; Aila.Korpivaara at ymparisto.fi; hannu.kyto at kuluttajatutkimuskeskus.fi; juhani.kyto at ymparisto.fi; eira.varis at pohjois-karjala.fi; pia.pitkanen at pohjois-karjala.fi; virpi.kaisto at lut.fi; sirkku.juhola at aalto.fi; johannes.klein at gtk.fi; jaana.jarva at gtk.fi; timo.tarvainen at gtk.fi; Hanna-Maria.Urjankangas at tem.fi; juha.nurmi at ymparisto.fi; heidi.taskinen at hel.fi; jouni.ponnikas at kainuu.fi; riikka.pirkkalainen at riikkamanner.fi; andraaldeapartanen at gmail.com; timokaro at gmail.com; Jouko.Kinnunen at asub.ax; Jukka Käyhkö <jukka.kayhko at utu.fi>; seppo.laakso at kaupunkitutkimusta.fi; heikki.loikkanen at helsinki.fi; Jyrki Luukkanen <jyrki.luukkanen at utu.fi>; markku.loytonen at helsinki.fi; kaija.majoinen at kuntaliitto.fi; mika.maliranta at etla.fi; kalle.michelsen at lut.fi; sami.moisio at oulu.fi; marko.makinen at pirkanmaa.fi; jorma.mantynen at tut.fi; raine.mantysalo at aalto.fi; Päivi Oinas <paivi.oinas at utu.fi>; kari.oinonen at ymparisto.fi; annukka.makinen at kuntaliitto.fi; pekka.peura at uwasa.fi; mika.ristimaki at ymparisto.fi; jari.ritsila at jyu.fi; ville.roslakka at varsinais-suomi.fi; ilmari.rostila at uta.fi; jarmo.rusanen at oulu.fi; rauno.sairinen at uef.fi; siv.sandberg at abo.fi; philipp.schmidt-thome at gsf.fi; kaisa.schmidt-thome at aalto.fi; harry.schulman at helsinki.fi; markku.sotarauta at uta.fi; asko.suikkanen at ulapland.fi; ilkka.susiluoto at hel.fi; antti.syvajarvi at ulapland.fi; hannu.t.tervo at jyu.fi; Tiina.Tihlman at ymparisto.fi; anja.tuohino at uef.fi; markku.tykkylainen at uef.fi; hannu.torma at helsinki.fi; mari.vaattovaara at helsinki.fi; ville.valovirta at vtt.fi; mia.vepsalainen at uef.fi; hilkka.vihinen at mtt.fi; kauko.viitanen at aalto.fi; seija.virkkala at uwasa.fi; jani.vuolteenaho at helsinki.fi; tuula.hermunen at satakunta.fi; jukka.mikkonen at paijat-hame.fi; jarmo.vauhkonen at esavo.fi; risto.poutiainen at pohjois-karjala.fi; paula.qvick at pohjois-savo.fi; susanna.kaskinen at ekarjala.fi; satu.sikanen at ekarjala.fi; riitta.kallstrom at kymenlaakso.fi; kari.aalto at eastnorth.fi; maiju.hyry at lapinliitto.fi; anne.sormunen at keski-pohjanmaa.fi; varpu.rajaniemi at obotnia.fi; antti.saartenoja at etela-pohjanmaa.fi; satu.vehreavesa at pohjois-savo.fi; hannu.korhonen at keskisuomi.fi; marko.makinen at pirkanmaa.fi; michael.kull at mtt.fi; carola.gunell at varsinais-suomi.fi; Matti.Lipsanen at hame.fi; Helka Kalliomäki <helka.m.kalliomaki at utu.fi>; asta.manninen at hel.fi; esa.kokkonen at tampere.fi; Harri Andersson <harri.andersson at utu.fi>; christer.bengs at aalto.fi; kirsimarja.blomqvist at lut.fi; anna.broberg at aalto.fi; petri.bockerman at labour.fi; timothy.carter at ymparisto.fi; alfred.colpaert at uef.fi; heikki.eskelinen at uef.fi; lauri.frank at jyu.fi; matti.fritsch at uef.fi; tomas.hanell at aalto.fi; Pekka.Harju-Autti at ymparisto.fi; vesa.harmaakorpi at lut.fi; helka-liisa.hentila at oulu.fi; juha.honkatukia at vatt.fi; arto.haveri at uta.fi; Elli Heikkilä <elheik at utu.fi>; leena.suopajarvi at ulapland.fi; marika.kunnari at lapinamk.fi; ossi.kotavaara at oulu.fi; katja.lahikainen at lut.fi; maarit.sireni at uef.fi; kirsi.mukkala at keskisuomi.fi; kimmo.kurunmaki at tampereenseutu.fi; sarolta.nemeth at uef.fi; kati.pitkanen at uef.fi; eero.venalainen at uudenmaanliitto.fi; jukka.heinonen at aalto.fi; riikka.puhakka at ovi.com; pasi.saukkonen at uef.fi; liisa.kytola at aluekehityssaatio.fi; jonne.hytonen at aalto.fi; harri.antikainen at oulu.fi; satu.tolonen at mdi.fi; janne.antikainen at mdi.fi; Sari Repka <sari.repka at utu.fi>; olli.wuori at mtt.fi; timo.nikinmaa at etla.fi; mika.kautonen at uta.fi; hanna.kalenoja at tut.fi; Petri Tapio <petri.tapio at utu.fi>; antti.rehunen at ymparisto.fi; timo.hirvonen at uef.fi; Anna-Kaisa.Lahteenmaki-Smith at vnk.fi
Aihe: VL: Open position: Senior Research Fellow in the field of urban development


Nordregio –tutkimuslaitos hakee vanhempaa kaupunkitutkijaa. Hakemukset 20.11.2016 mennessä.


Harry Ekestam
Nordregion hallituksen jäsen

PS Pahoittelen, että postituslistani on monelta osin vanhentunut. Levittäkää tietoa vapaasti eteenpäin ja ilmoitelkaa minullekin relevanteista poistoista/lisäyksistä listaan. Kiitos.

Lähettäjä: Nordregio [mailto:nordregio=nordregio.se at mail186.atl81.rsgsv.net] Puolesta Nordregio
Lähetetty: 21. lokakuuta 2016 12:16
Vastaanottaja: Ekestam Harry TEM
Aihe: Open position: Senior Research Fellow in the field of urban development

Apply for Senior Research Fellow position at Nordregio

View this email in your browser<http://us2.campaign-archive2.com/?u=bd2ac4c8984e4c0867865efde&id=badb01b65c&e=18d809883a>


Nordregio is inviting applications for a position as Senior Research Fellow
Working at Nordregio provides you the opportunity to become part of a truly international research environment. It offers significant career development potential in terms of enhancing your international network of contacts in the policy and academic fields, as well as an extensive experience with project management.
Nordregio is currently seeking to expand its research team with a Senior Research Fellow in the field of urban development, with a special focus on urbanisation processes and the development of smart, sustainable and liveable Nordic cities.
A successful applicant has relevant educational background and at least five years of working and/or research experience aligned to the at least two of the following fields:

  *   Urbanisation within a global sustainable development perspective,
  *   Nordic architecture and urban design traditions and tendencies
  *   Intersections between land-use, housing and transport planning
  *   Urban agendas and urban policies for e.g. densification and green infrastructure
  *   Urban infrastructure and mobility focused on public transportation, walking and cycling
  *   Use of spatial analysis, intelligent technologies and big data for smart cities
Furthermore, as a researcher at Nordregio you are also expected to participate in other projects covering Nordregio´s topics and thematic fields.

Required skills
With the responsibility to initiate, attract and lead externally funded research and innovation projects, a Senior Research Fellow requires you to be experienced in project development and project management. The geographic scope of your field of interest includes a European and global perspective and expert knowledge in at least one of the Nordic countries.
Formally, you hold a PhD in urban planning, urban geography, civil engineering, urbanism, architecture, landscape architecture or an equivalent discipline. In addition, you have at least 5 years of relevant work experience; and combined, you bring an extensive network of research and policy contacts with you to Nordregio.
Skills and intangibles:
As a Senior Research Fellow you are a proven project manager and an excellent communicator. You are also creative and self-motivated, but you are also performing well in a cooperative research environment. Fluency in English is essential, and if you do not speak a Scandinavian language, you should be willing to acquire a working knowledge of Swedish or another Scandinavian language within a relatively short period of time. Some degree of fluency in other Nordic or foreign languages is an additional advantage.

Additional details and contact information
Nordregio intends the position to be full time from February 1, 2017, or as soon as possible. We offer competitive salaries and a term contract with a maximum length of four years. Subject to further agreement the contract can be renewed for up to another four years. Also, according to the agreement “Avtale om rettstilling for samnordiske institusjoner og deres ansatte” if you are employed by the State in a Nordic country you are entitled to leave of absence from your present position for the duration of your employment at Nordregio.
Upload your application including a CV and references on
no later than 20 November, 2016.

More information:
Lukas Smas, Senior Research Fellow
Phone: +46 8 463 5425
Mobile: +46 70 283 54 30
E-mail: lukas.smas at nordregio.se<mailto:lukas.smas at nordregio.se>

Kjell Nilsson, Director
Phone: +46 8 463 54 40
Mobile: +46 72 300 8857
E-mail: kjell.nilsson at nordregio.se<mailto:kjell.nilsson at nordregio.se>





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