[Kaupunkitutkimus] Fwd: [Sospol] SELMA seminar 'Child migrants and transnational families in the European imagination', guest speaker prof. Ann Phoenix (Friday 7 October, 10-12, Hovi/Artium, V105) and the autumn programme of SELMA

Ruoppila Sampo sampo.ruoppila at turku.fi
Wed Oct 5 15:10:53 EEST 2016

Begin forwarded message:

From: Hanna Meretoja <hailme at utu.fi<mailto:hailme at utu.fi>>
Subject: [Sospol] SELMA seminar 'Child migrants and transnational families in the European imagination', guest speaker prof. Ann Phoenix (Friday 7 October, 10-12, Hovi/Artium, V105) and the autumn programme of SELMA
Date: 3 Oct 2016 12:21:15 EEST
To: "selma at lists.utu.fi<mailto:selma at lists.utu.fi>" <selma at lists.utu.fi<mailto:selma at lists.utu.fi>>, HKT henkilökunta <hkt-henkilokunta at utu.fi<mailto:hkt-henkilokunta at utu.fi>>, "HKT opiskelijat" <hkt-opiskelijat at utu.fi<mailto:hkt-opiskelijat at utu.fi>>, Humanistinen tiedekunta <humanistit at utu.fi<mailto:humanistit at utu.fi>>, "hkt-jatko-opiskelijat at lists.utu.fi<mailto:hkt-jatko-opiskelijat at lists.utu.fi>" <hkt-jatko-opiskelijat at lists.utu.fi<mailto:hkt-jatko-opiskelijat at lists.utu.fi>>, "publicum at utu.fi<mailto:publicum at utu.fi>" <publicum at utu.fi<mailto:publicum at utu.fi>>

Dear All,

Please find below information on this Friday's seminar and the autumn programme of the research centre SELMA.

Ann Phoenix: 'Child migrants and transnational families in the European imagination' (7 October, 10-12, Hovi/Artium, V105)

Child migrants have long been common around the world, usually migrating with their parents, but sometimes alone. Indeed, some countries have histories of having sent children living in poverty abroad, sometimes without their parents' knowledge. Yet, despite this history, child migrants are frequently not recognised and are invisible. At the same time, when the plight of children asylum seekers is picked up in the media, they become the symbols of pain, suffering, innocence, injustice and difference. Despite high profile, heartrending tragedies, however, official policy towards them does not necessarily change, largely because reducing migration and securitization have become deeply divisive issues in many European countries. As a result, child migrants are difficult to imagine, except as abstract symbols and some governments, such as the UK, have failed to admit unaccompanied child migrants who have family members in the UK and hence the right under UN Conventions to be admitted.

This talk will start by considering what we currently know about one group of child migrants; unaccompanied child migrants. It will situate that knowledge within the context of transnational families and the many ways in which children are separated from parents in the process of migration. It will then draw on the findings of a narrative study of adults who, as child serial migrants, migrated alone, but to join parents who migrated before them. It will end by considering the implications for understanding contemporary unaccompanied child migrants and why they continually fall out of the European imagination. One of the arguments it will make is that social justice requires a shift in the ways in which we imagine child migrants and transnational families.

Biographical information

Ann Phoenix is professor of psychosocial studies at Thomas Coram Research Unit, Department of Social Sciences, UCL Institute of Education and the Principal Investigator of the research network NOVELLA (Narratives of Varied Everyday Lives and Linked Analyses).  Her publications include work on narratives, theoretical and empirical aspects of social identities, gender, masculinity, youth, intersectionality, racialization, ethnicisation, migration and transnational families. From 2016-7 she is the Erkko Professor at the Helsinki University Collegium for Advanced Studies.


Wednesday 31 August, 13-17 (Janus), SELMA workshop "Narrating the migrant crisis, “brexit” and the future of the European project"

Friday 7 October, 10-12 (Hovi/Artium, V105), SELMA seminar 'Child migrants and transnational families in the European imagination', guest speaker prof. Ann Phoenix

Friday 11 November, 10-12, SELMA seminar together with the theatre group Kolmas Tila

Friday 9 December, ca. 13-16 (Tempo/Minerva), "Biography, Gender, and History: Nordic Perspectives": seminar and book launch  (Biography, Gender, and History: Nordic Perspectives. Eds. Erla Hulda Halldórsdóttir, Tiina Kinnunen, Maarit Leskelä-Kärki, Birgitte Possing. cultural history series 14, k&h-publications). Guest speaker prof. Maria Sjöberg (Univ. of Gothenburg/Svenskt kvinnobiografiskt lexikon).

Students are welcome to attend and use their lecture pass.

All welcome!


Hanna Meretoja
Professor of Comparative Literature
Director of SELMA: Centre for the Study of Storytelling, Experientiality and Memory
20014 University of Turku, Finland
Tel. +358 2 333 5271
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