[Kaupunkitutkimus] Please circulate to students: XSTL 1052 Localized learning of urban planning and policy in the Baltic Sea Region (6 ECTS)

Ruoppila Sampo sampo.ruoppila at turku.fi
Wed Aug 24 12:03:35 EEST 2016

*Please circulate to your students’ e-mail lists and portals. This is a multi-disciplinary course.*

XSTL 1052 Localized learning of urban planning and policy in the Baltic Sea Region (6 ECTS)

Course content
The “hands-on” course focuses on approaches and solutions to regeneration of a town, in conformity with innovative ideas of city environment and contemporary approaches to urban planning.  The course involves an intensive study week in Rezekne town, Latvia, where students will receive real assignments formulated together with the city officials. The course seeks to identify creative solutions to foster development in Rezekne and its specific places, neighbourhoods and communities.

The course is a joint initiative between University of Latvia (Spatial Planning professional Masters’ study programme), Urban Institute Riga, Estonian University of Life Sciences (Department of Landscape Architecture), and University of Turku (Urban Research Network). The course is financially supported by the Nordplus Higher Education Programme. The students’ travel and lodging costs will be covered.

The students will work in multi-disciplinary and multi-national teams.

Maximum enrolment: 12 students from Turku (36 students altogether). Participants will be selected based on their application. Both students from University of Turku and Åbo Akademi University can apply.
Apply online by 2nd September 3 PM: https://www.webropolsurveys.com/S/0924A9342E25903D.par

Further information

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