[Kaupunkitutkimus] Localized learning of urban planning and policy in the Baltic Sea Region (6 ECTS)

Ruoppila Sampo sampo.ruoppila at turku.fi
Thu Jun 30 18:14:51 EEST 2016


Uusi kurssi kaupunkitutkimuksen perusopintoihin (opintokokonaisuuteen), sisältäen intensiiviviikon Latviassa. Voisitteko ystävällisesti forwardoida tätä eteenpäin opiskelijoidenne sähköpostilistoille. Kiitos!

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*Preliminary information on new course organised in September-October 2016 by University of Turku, Department of Social Research, together with Latvian and Estonian partners. Involves an intensive course week in Latvian town Rezekne in October 2016.*

Localized learning of urban planning and policy in the Baltic Sea Region (6 ECTS)

Course content
The “hands-on” course focuses on approaches and solutions to revitalization, regeneration or re-development of a town, in conformity with innovative ideas of city environment and modern approaches to urban planning. The course seeks to identify creative solutions in order to foster development in the target city and its specific places, neighbourhoods and communities.

The lectures, field studies, and workshops supplement each other, covering six themes:

(1) Urban environmental revitalizing approaches in integrated urban planning;

(2) Society and community planning;

(3) Urban environment, structure, architecture and space in place making;

(4) Sustainable public spaces and landscape;

(5) Sustainable mobility;
(6) Urban policy and agency of change.
Special attention will be paid on complexity of regeneration tools considering their social, economic, physical and other urban dimensions.
The assignments for the intensive field course in Rezekne town in Latvia will tackle its neighbourhoods in need of redevelopment. The tasks will range from first exploration and primary evaluation to generation of wide spectrum of development ideas for the town and/or its parts/neighbourhoods.
The approach in practical: students are working with a real topic agreed with a municipality, aimed to contribute for its development. Through the course, public consultations and discussion with concerned resident groups and other relevant actors are also undertaken. The expected results are elaborations of implementable propositions, taking into consideration the development of particular places, their specific potential, requirements for integrated solutions, and evaluations on larger scale if necessary. The tasks will be specified during the course.
The students will work in multi-disciplinary and multi-national teams.

Course topics
urban studies, spatial planning, urban policy, social development

Times, enrolment, organiser
Obligatory pre-seminar on societal and urban development in Latvia: 15 September 2016 14:00 to 16:00 & 06 October 2016 14:00 to 17:00. Location: SH399 (Publicum building). The seminar involves group work by students in-between the two meetings.
Intensive course week in Rezekne, Latvia, 9-15 October 2016. Tuition, travelling and lodging are fully covered. The students will work in multi-disciplinary and multi-national teams.
Maximum enrolment: 12 students from Turku (36 students altogether). Enrolment starts in late August. Participants will be selected based on their application. Both students from University of Turku and Åbo Akademi University can apply.
University of Turku organiser: Department of Social Research, urban studies
The course is a joint initiative between University of Latvia (Spatial Planning professional Masters’ study programme), Urban Institute Riga, Estonian University of Life Sciences (Department of Landscape Architecture), and University of Turku (Urban Research Network). The course is financially supported by the Nordplus Higher Education Programme.

This course is a voluntary course of urban studies minor at University of Turku.

The course idea was initially developed by the Urban institute, Riga and the University of Latvia, Spatial planning professional Masters’ study programme lecturers, with an overall aim to promote the practice of urbanism and multi-disciplinary urban planning knowhow in the Baltic Sea Region. It has been previously arranged three times in different Latvian cities and once in Germany (2012-15). In October 2016, the course will be held in Rezekne town, Latvia, organized in collaboration with the Rezekne City Council. If funded, the course will be organised also in Tartu, Estonia, in 2017 and in Turku, Finland, in 2018. Students can participate the course only once.

Further information
Research Director of Urban Studies Sampo Ruoppila. However, please wait until further information is circulated, after mid-August.

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