[Kaupunkitutkimus] Reminder: TEMPORARY USES – PERMANENT INFLUENCES. Research Seminar in Tampere School of Architecture, May 30, 2016

Sampo Ruoppila ruoppila at gmail.com
Thu May 26 20:38:45 EEST 2016

Maanantaina kiintoisa seminaari tilapäisistä käytöistä Tampereella.


---------- Edelleenlähetetty viesti ----------
Lähettäjä: <panu at livady.fi>
Päiväys: torstai 26. toukokuuta 2016
Aihe: Reminder: TEMPORARY USES – PERMANENT INFLUENCES. Research Seminar in
Tampere School of Architecture, May 30, 2016
Vastaanottaja: stadi-lista at helsinki.fi


Research Seminar on Monday May 30, 2016

School of Architecture, Tampere University of Technology

Hervanta campus, R-house, Hall RD203


12:00 Start of the seminar, introduction of the theme. Panu Lehtovuori,
TUT School of Architecture.

12:10 PhD researcher, architect Tina Vestermann Olsen, Aalborg University:
“Timely Uses” (PhD project presentation)

12:45 Discussion

13:00 Architect Jenni Partanen: “Complexity and Self-organisation –
Challenges to Planning”

13:20 Youth researcher Vesa Peipinen, Helsinki: “Urban Wildscapes in

13:40 Research director Sampo Ruoppila & professor Panu Lehtovuori:
”Temporary Uses Producing Difference in Contemporary Urbanism”

14:00 Coffee break

14:30 Architect Giulio Pucci, Pisa, Italy: “Future of Suomen Trikoo”
(diploma work presentation)

14:45 Artist Vesa Varrela: “Suomen Trikoo artist community”

15:00 Student of architecture Gülcan Ozan: “Awakening the potentials of
Tampere city centre. Interventions in Keskustori, Tammerkoski  and

15:15 Architect Pekka Vapaavuori, Turku: “Logomo re-use. Turku’s Year as a
Capital of Culture and the establishment of a New Cultural Centre”

16:00 Closing discussion & snacks

The event is free of charge. If possible please register to
mari.mutila at tut.fi <javascript:;>


Panu Lehtovuori, professori, arkkitehti SAFA
Arkkitehtitoimisto Livady Oy
Hämeentie 4 C 11
FI-00530 Helsinki
Puh. +358-9-3487 0501
GSM +358-50-525 0252

Stadipiirin sahkopostilista sijaitsee Helsingin yliopiston palvelimella.

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