[Kaupunkitutkimus] 1st Symposium of the Association for Literary Urban Studies, 31.3., Tampere

Lieven Ameel Lieven.Ameel at staff.uta.fi
Thu Mar 24 14:33:56 EET 2016

Welcome to the first symposium of the Association for Literary Urban Studies (former HLCN).
The symposium will be held at the University of Tampere, Thursday 31 March, 2016. Time and place: 11h-16h; B4075 (Pinni B).

For more information on the association see http://blogs.helsinki.fi/hlc-n/

The symposium will offer a meeting where researchers can present ongoing work related to city literature, as well as a theory reading. Anyone interested in urban literary studies is most welcome to participate. Please do sign up if you intend to participate (by mail to lieven.ameel at staff.uta.fi) before 29.3.2015.

Feel free to disseminate this information to anyone interested in literary urban studies.



11-13.00: welcome, presentations

Bo Pettersson: "Walking in New York: Beyond Spatial Mapping in Immigrant Fiction"

Juho Rajaniemi: "Fake Paradise & Abused Anarchy"

Markus Laine & Helena Leino: "A Tale of Three Cities: Future Narratives in Strategic Documents"

Suvi Honkanen & Esa Lehtinen: "Recontextualizing Spoken Narratives in Meeting Memos: A Linguist's Look at Planning a Future for a City Organization"

13.00-14.00  lunch break

14.00-14.45 theory reading, concepts in literary urban studies

Eric Bulson, "On Getting Lost"

the text can be found online here:


14.45-15.30 conference 2017 discussion

15.30-16.00 closed board meeting / Literary Second Cities editorial team meeting

On behalf of the association,

Lieven Ameel


Dr., docent Lieven Ameel
University Lecturer
School of Language, Translation and Literary Studies (LTL)
University of Tampere
follow me on twitter: @lievenameel

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