[Kaupunkitutkimus] Sosiologia Turun yliopistossa 90 vuotta: symposiumi Housing and Social Theory

Hannu Ruonavaara hanruona at utu.fi
Fri Feb 12 17:55:08 EET 2016

Unit of Sociology at the Department of Social Research, University of Turku, presents: 
An afternoon symposium on 


on Wednesday March 9 2016 at Publicum building, lecture room Pub 4, 12-16.

Housing research has traditionally been policy-oriented and not especially theoretical. However, during the last couple of decades theories of and about housing have been discussed lively by researchers, for example on the pages of Housing, Theory and Society, the only journal in the field focused on theory and theoretically motivated empirical research. In this symposium the state and challenges of theory development in housing research are discussed by two housing researchers (the past and the present editor of HTS) and one sociologist specialized on social theory and methodology.

The symposium is a part of the 90 year celebrations of the chair of Sociology at the University of Turku. 

12.00-12.15 Opening the symposium
12.15-13.15 Professor David Clapham (University of Reading): Housing Theory, Housing Research and Housing Policy – Discussion
13.15-14.15 Professor Hannu Ruonavaara (University of Turku): Theorising the Three Facets of Housing: a sociological perspective – Discussion
14.15 Tea/coffee break
14.45-15.45 University Lecturer Tuukka Kaidesoja (University of Turku):  Middle-range Theories, Social Mechanisms and Housing – Discussion
15.45 Closing the symposium

Everyone interested in housing and/or theory is warmly WELCOME! Due to the tea/coffee break refreshment services a registration is advisable. Register by 7 March by the following link: https://www.webropolsurveys.com/S/F43DC231CE87A2EB.par




Hannu Ruonavaara
Professor of Sociology
Department of Social Research/Sociology
20014 University of Turku
tel: +358-2-333 5382

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