[Kaupunkitutkimus] Fwd: Proposal EU Nordplus Higher Education program Riga

Ruoppila Sampo sampo.ruoppila at turku.fi
Tue Feb 2 11:54:27 EET 2016

Terve jengi! 

Lähdettäisiinkö (TY&ÅA kaupunkitutkimusverkosto) partnerina tällaiseen kiertävään 9 ECTS kaupunkitutkimus ja -suunnittelukurssin järjestämiseen ympäri Itämeren allasta? Minusta olisi hyvä juttu. Edellyttää aikanaan meidän hoitaman kurssin osalta hieman suunnittelua ja koordinointia miten muuta opetusta saadaan sopivasti integroitua tähän. Mutta opiskelijoille erityisen nasta juttu tässä pienenevien resurssien yliopistomaailmassa. 

Pyydän palautteet tämän päivän aikana. 


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Gunta Lukstina [mailto:gunta.lukstina at lu.lv] 
> Sent: 2. helmikuuta 2016 
> Subject: Proposal EU Nordplus Higher Education program Riga
> I am writing to you on behalf of our professional master’s Spatial Planning Studies Programme at the University of Latvia and Urban Institute, Latvia.
> We are currently developing an educational project proposal within the field of Urban Studies & Planning and our aim is to apply for EU funding under the EU Nordplus Higher Education programme.
> Our project concept foresees to establish a partnership of 3 Baltic Sea region universities for a joint implementation of an educational project for 3 consecutive years.
> We are addressing you as our friend - potential partner – please find attached a conceptual outline of this project idea.
> As the time schedule is very pressing, please give us your initial feedback, your interest on the relevance of this proposal to you and your university/studies programme plans as soon as you can.
> It could be very good to be in contact no later than by Thursday, February 4th, 2016 evening.
> Should you have any further questions, we will be pleased to answer them!
> Yours,
> Peteris Skinkis,
> Jonas Buechel,
> Gunta Lukstina,
> Nika Kotovica

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