[Kaupunkitutkimus] INVITATION: "China's environmental planning: Perish or rebirth”, Thursday October 29 at 12-2 pm, UTU, CEAS

Outi Luova outluo at utu.fi
Fri Oct 16 12:46:53 EEST 2015

Dear All,

Centre for East Asian Studies (CEAS) of Turku University has the pleasure of inviting you to attend a lecture by Professor Bao
Cunkuan <http://environment.fudan.edu.cn/en/Show.aspx?info_lb=264&flag=225&info_id=303> from the Department of Environmental Sciences and Engineering, Fudan University, Shanghai. His lecture is entitled:

"China’s environmental planning: Perish or rebirth”

Time: Thursday October 29 at 12-2 pm.
Place: CEAS lecture hall, Arwidssoninkatu 1 building 12

China’s development strategies are defined in five-year plans and this planning system is very comprehensive: in addition to the national general plan, each unit of the State Council drafts own plans and there are also national five-year plans on certain topical issues such as climate change. These plans are localized at each administrative level down to districts and counties. In the sphere of environmental planning, there are several overlapping plans with different sets of key performance indicators which makes environmental policy implementation a very fuzzy issue in China.

China will issue the thirteenth five-year plan next spring, and it is anticipated to be more integrated, with less overlapping plans.

Professor BAO Cunkuan will discuss China’s current environmental planning system and the changes that are expected to take place next year. He has been involved in researching and discussing the 13-5-year plans of some Chinese cities and will share his viewpoints on the new plans.

Professor BAO Cunkuan from Fudan University in Shanghai is one of China’s leading authorities on urban environmental planning and has more than 15 years of experience with eco-city planning and strategic environmental assessment for urban development programs in China.

Best wishes,
Outi Luova

University Lecturer
Director / Finnish University Network for Asian Studies
Vice Director / Centre for East Asian Studies
University of Turku, Finland
tel +358 (0)2 333 5017


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