[Kaupunkitutkimus] The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (24h architecture conference), 17-18 April 2015, Tallinn

Maros Krivy maros.krivy at artun.ee
Tue Apr 14 15:05:36 EEST 2015

*24h architecture conference "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly"*

17 to 18 April 2015
Russian Theatre
Freedom Square 5

The conference “The Good, the Bad and the Ugly” interrogates the judgments
of the good, the bad and the ugly in architecture, by whom, why and how
they are made, and what are their social implications. It aims to bring
together representatives of different fields of architecture – architects,
interior architects, landscape architects, urbanists, planners – as well as
representatives of other fields of study (sociologists, geographers,
psychologists, biologists, literary studies, etc.).

In the first part of the twenty-four-hour architectural conference the
questions how individuals perceive limited spaces and what is relevant to
production and reproduction of such spaces will be studied. The motives
behind regulations of the planning process, the impacts of administrative
rules and technical norms on spatial planning, and how these are negotiated
in everyday spatial practice will be examined during the second conference
segment. In the third part we will look at the problem of criticism and
evaluation in architecture and other cultural fields: who and what
determines what is considered bad, good, and ugly, how legitimation in
aesthetic and artistic terms affects political decisions and therefore the
urban and the social as a whole.

Guest lecturers include London based writer and journalist Owen Hatherley
and Esa Laaksonen, the director of Alvar Aalto Academy in Helsinki.
Presentations and discussions will be joined by Grete Arro, Mari Tarand,
Aleksei Lotman, Kaja Pae, Indrek Rünkla, Daimar Liiv, Peeter Prisk, Karri
Tiigisoon, Tõnis Kahu, Mart Juur, Ralf Lõoke, Maarin Mürk, Triin Ojari,
Merle Karro-Kalberg and many others.

After the midnight, short videos on how different people perceive the
limitedness of space by Roland Langemets will be screened. The audience can
join the night-tour around the Russian Theatre, guided by the actress
Tatjana Manevskaja and also take part in a psychedelic city tour around
central Tallinn organized by Linnalabor (the amount of places is limited!).
The night walk will lead you to paths and shortcuts that Google Maps
haven’t registered.

In the early morning the conference will continue with the screening of the
spaghetti western “The Good, the Bad and the Ugly” by Sergio Leone. A
Saturday morning discussion, an open microphone and a common breakfast will
conclude the conference.

The participation in the conference is free. The conference language is
both Estonian and English. The program in Estonian language is
simultaneously translated into English. Everyone is welcome!

The detailed program can be found at www.goodbadugly.ee.

Additional information:

Triin Pitsi, Project coordinator
triin.pitsi at artun.ee
+372 50 35 520

Helen Pau, Communications
helen at spinunit.eu
+372 55 53 53 69

The conference is organised by the Chamber of Architecture. Established in
2013, the Chamber of Architecture brings together different professional
parties, aiming to develop and popularise Estonian architectural sector and
harmonise collaboration within the field. Members of the chamber are the
following: Union of Estonian Architects, Union of Estonian Interior
Architects, Estonian Landscape Architects´ Union, Estonian Association of
Spatial Planners, Estonian Centre of Architecture, Estonian Urban Lab,
Museum of Estonian Architecture, Estonian Academy of Arts, Tallinn
University of Applied Sciences.

The conference is supported by Cultural Endowment of Estonia, Ministry of
Culture and Liviko.

Maros Krivy
Faculty of Architecture
Estonian Academy of Arts
Pikk tn 20, 10133 Tallinn

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