[Kaupunkitutkimus] Mobiiliosallistumista tutkiva hanke etsii tutkimusavustajaa

Ruoppila Sampo sampo.ruoppila at turku.fi
Thu Oct 23 13:09:56 EEST 2014


Vihjatkaa sopivalle loppuvaiheen opiskelijalle, kiitos.



Mobile participation research project is looking for a master’s level student as a Research Assistant

Building Pervasive Participation (www.b‐Part.eu) is an international, interdisciplinary research project

funded by European Joint Programming Initiative Urban Europe. The project investigates novel concepts

and solutions for citizen e‐participation utilizing latest mobile device technology. We will organize a field

trial in Turku next year: a state‐of‐art mobile participation application will be used to collect citizen input in

topical urban planning and policy questions.

The Finnish research team at University of Turku, Department of Social Research is looking for a master’s

level student to join the team as Research Assistant. We expect you to work as one contact person for the

citizens’ queries and monitor incoming content, but also to conduct research and write your master’s thesis

with the data collected in the project. The topic shall be jointly agreed and the writing process will be


The position is scheduled to start in the beginning of 2015 and the expected employment period is one

year. However, the exact time can be negotiated. The Turku mobile participation trial will take place

between April‐September 2015 and the Research Assistant will be required to devote considerable time in

monitoring the content. The rest of the time must be used for research and writing the thesis, which should

be finished by the early 2016. The salary will be negotiated based on candidate’s experience, yet it will be in

line with regular research assistant’s salary.


‐ Act as liaison between research team, application users and city officials

‐ Act as contact person for the citizens’ queries, together with other Finnish team members

‐ Frame research question for the thesis (topic jointly agreed ) and conduct a literature review

‐ Contribute to data collection, mining and analysis

‐ Inform research team about interim results

Required skills & qualifications

‐ Excellent command of Finnish and English (working languages)

‐ Strong communications skills, including good writing skills

‐ Excellent study record

‐ Familiarity with quantitative methods for data analysis (NVIVO and/or other). Statistical analysis

skills are a plus

‐ Previous research experience is a plus

‐ Courses taken on urban studies, participatory democracy, or science and technology studies are a


Please send your application and a CV to Research Director Sampo Ruoppila (sampo.ruoppila at utu.fi<mailto:sampo.ruoppila at utu.fi>) by


VTT Sampo Ruoppila
Tutkimusjohtaja (kaupunkitutkimus)
Turun kaupunkitutkimusverkosto (Turun yliopisto & Åbo Akademi)
Turun kaupunkitutkimusohjelma (Turun kaupunki & yliopistot)

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