[Kaupunkitutkimus] Fwd: [Sospol] [Sosiaalitieteet] Muistutus: Ethnographies of health and welfare, University of Turku 17.10.2014

Ruoppila Sampo sampo.ruoppila at turku.fi
Mon Oct 13 13:48:01 EEST 2014

Dr Sampo Ruoppila
Turku Urban Research Programme

Välitetty viesti:

Lähettäjä: Suvi Salmenniemi <suvi.salmenniemi at utu.fi<mailto:suvi.salmenniemi at utu.fi>>
Päiväys: 13. lokakuuta 2014 13.09.07 UTC+3
Vastaanottaja: "sosiaalitieteet at utu.fi<mailto:sosiaalitieteet at utu.fi>" <sosiaalitieteet at lists.utu.fi<mailto:sosiaalitieteet at lists.utu.fi>>
Aihe: [Sospol] [Sosiaalitieteet] Muistutus: Ethnographies of health and welfare, University of Turku 17.10.2014

Ethnographies of health and welfare: Methodological reflections

17 October 2014, University of Turku

The seminar presents insights from ethnographic research on health, wellbeing and social welfare, and addresses the methodological issues arising in the research process. The presentations discuss, among other things, how to define and access the field; the methodology and practice of participatory ethnographic research; the increasing significance of the Internet and social media in ethnographic research; how to carry out and manage ethnographic projects covering multiple sites and time-scales; and the specific benefits of ethnographic methodology in studying health, wellbeing and welfare.



Venue: Educarium, Lecture hall Edu2

10:00 Opening words

10:15-11:00 Julie Hemment (University of Massachusetts at Amherst, USA): Collaborative possibilities, new Cold War constraints: a “second generation East-West feminist” exchange

11:00-11:45 Marja-Liisa Honkasalo (University of Turku): Ethnography as an itinerary of social change

11:45-12:00 Elina Helosvuori (University of Helsinki): Producing multiple sites of infertility in ethnographic research

12:00-13:30 Break

Venue: Publicum, Lecture hall Pub4

13:30-14:15 Michele Rivkin-Fish (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA): Ethnographic Insights from Awkward Angles: Contemporary Fieldwork Encounters and Dilemmas of Interpretation

14:15-15:00 Suvi Salmenniemi & Tatiana Tiaynen-Qadir (University of Turku): Tracing the therapeutic: multi-sited ethnography in the making

The symposium is organized by the research project The Puzzle of the Psyche, funded by Kone Foundation. http://www.utu.fi/en/units/soc/units/sociology/research/projects/theraself/Pages/home.aspx

For more information, please contact Suvi Salmenniemi (suvi.salmenniemi [at] utu.fi<http://utu.fi>)

University of Turku campus map: http://www.utu.fi/fi/Yliopisto/kartta/Sivut/home.aspx

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