[Kaupunkitutkimus] Second World Urbanity conference, "Circulation, Translation, Transition, " October 10-12, 2014

Sampo Ruoppila sampo.ruoppila at iki.fi
Tue Oct 7 11:37:39 EEST 2014

---------- Edelleenlähetetty viesti ----------
Lähettäjä: *Andres Kurg* <andres.kurg at artun.ee>
Päiväys: maanantai 6. lokakuuta 2014
Aihe: Fwd: Second World Urbanity conference, "Circulation, Translation,
Transition," October 10-12, 2014
Vastaanottaja: FOORUM <foorum at artun.ee>

Dear Colleagues,

The Second World Urbanity <http://www.secondworldurbanity.org> project will
hold its second conference, "Circulation, Translation, Transition," at the
Institute of Art History of the Estonian Academy of Arts in Tallinn,
October 10-12, 2014. The conference is open to the public. If you plan to
attend and also wish to read the pre-circulated papers, please e-mail
Steven Harris at sharris at umw.edu
<javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','sharris at umw.edu');>. All conference sessions
will take place at the Estonian Academy of Arts Faculty of Art Culture
Building, Room 103, Suur-Kloostri 11, Tallinn. The conference program is
indicated below.

*Second World Urbanity: Between Capitalist and Communist Utopias*

*Conference 2: Circulation, Translation, Transition*

*Institute of Art History, Estonian Academy of Arts, Tallinn*

*October 10-12, 2014*

*http://www.secondworldurbanity.org <http://www.secondworldurbanity.org>*

*Friday, October 10*

12.00-12.30: Preliminary greetings and conference registration

12.30-14.00: Lunch

*14.00-15.15: Opening of the conference and introductory presentation.
Daria Bocharnikova and Steven E. Harris*

*15.30-17.15: Panel 1: Second World Cosmopolitanism and the Circulation of
Architectural Knowledge across Borders*

*Chair: Mart Kalm *(Estonian Academy of Arts)

*Vladimir Kuli**ć* (Florida Atlantic University), “The Hospitality Complex:
Yugoslav Architecture and the Infrastructure of Global Encounters.”

*Ines Tolic* (University of Bologna), “Building a World City: The
Reconstruction of Skopje in the Light of Global Ambitions and Local Needs.”

*Steven E. Harris* (University of Mary Washington), “Soviet Airports and
Second World Urbanity in the Jet Age.”

*Discussant: Zayra Badillo Castro *(School of Oriental and African Studies
(SOAS), London)

*17.15-17.30: *coffee break

*17.30-19.00: Keynote Address by Katherine A. Lebow *(Vienna Wiesenthal
Institute for Holocaust Studies), “Was Vienna Red? Is Nowa Huta Green?
Plans, People, and the Historical Imaginary.”

*Saturday, October 11*

9.30: Coffee and tea

*10.00-11.45: Panel 2: Negotiating the Second World Architectural Canon*

*Chair: Maros Krivy *(Estonian Academy of Arts)

*Marija Dremaite* (Vilnius University), “The Awarded: Soviet Architectural
Prizes as the Representation of Modernist Urban Ideology?”

*Michael Mackenzie* (DePauw University), "Painters, Planners, and
Bricklayers: Making the Social Circulate in Otto Nagel's *Young Bricklayer
from the Stalinallee*."

*Francisco Martínez *(Tallinn University), “The Linnahall as Heritage in
the Making.”

*Discussant: Tarmo Pikner *(Tallinn University)

*11.45-12.00: *Coffee break

*12.00-13.45 Panel 3: Second World Postmodernism: Between Translation of
Western Trends and Local Critique of Modernism*

*Chair: Patrick Laviolette *(Tallinn University)

*Anna Alekseyeva* (University of Oxford), “The Uniquely Socialist City:
>From Modernism to Socialist Realism.”

*Fredo Rivera* (Duke University), “¡*Diez!*: The *Zafra *and Meditations
Regarding the Postmodern Plantation.”

*Andres Kurg* (Estonian Academy of Arts), "Corners, Courtyards, Squares:
Reworking Socialist Modernism."

*Discussant: Sofia Dyak *(Center for Urban History of East Central Europe)

*13.45-16.00: *Lunch

*16.00-17.45 Panel 4: Transition to and from Second World Urbanity*

*Chair: Epp Lankots *(Estonian Academy of Arts)

*Olga Sezneva *(European University in St. Petersburg and University of
Amsterdam), “Mastering the Land, Mastering the Future: Plans of City
Reconstruction and Redevelopment in Kaliningrad, the Former Konigsberg.”

*Lisa Drummond, Markus Kip, and Douglas Young *(York University), “Soviet
Urbanism in Hanoi: The Afterlife of Soviet Landscapes at Nguyen Cong Tru
Collective Housing and Thong Nhat Park.”

*Kimberly Elman Zarecor* (Iowa State University), “The Ordinary Environment
of Socialism in a Post-Socialist World.”

*Discussant: Tauri Tuvikene *(Tallinn University and University College

*18.15-21.00:* Film screening of *Sügisball* (Autumn Ball, 2007), followed
by a discussion with director Veiko Õunpuu.

*Sunday, October 12*

*10.00-13.00: A city tour of Tallinn*


*We thank the following organizations for their assistance and funding in
making this conference possible:*

Institute of Art History, Estonian Academy of Arts, Tallinn

Cultural Endowment of Estonia, Endowment for Architecture

Embassy of the United States in Tallinn

Andres Kurg

Senior Researcher / Acting Head
Institute of Art History
Estonian Academy of Arts
Suur-Kloostri 11, 10133 Tallinn

+372 56 470 308
andres.kurg at artun.ee <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','andres.kurg at artun.ee');>

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