[Kaupunkitutkimus] Invitation to Dr Wojciech Woźniak's lecture Inequalities as a Social Phenomenon and Political Topic in Poland" 4.4. 10-12 Pub 3

Ruoppila Sampo sampo.ruoppila at turku.fi
Mon Mar 31 13:19:03 EEST 2014


Perjantain julkisen luennon ohessa Wojciech pitää myös kaksi luentoa osana kaupunkipolitiikan kurssiani. Olette tervetulleita kuuntelemaan myös niitä.

Deindustrialisation as a path to poverty and exclusion or opportunity for development? Case of Tampere and Lodz
ti 1.4. klo 14-16 (Pub 3)

Decentralisation of the state as a strategy for welfare retrenchment. Finnish and Polish experiences
to 3.4. klo 14-16 (Pub 2)


Lähettäjä: Ruoppila Sampo
Lähetetty: 31. maaliskuuta 2014 12:44
Vastaanottaja: publicum at utu.fi
Kopio: Wojciech Woźniak
Aihe: Invitation to Dr Wojciech Woźniak's lecture Inequalities as a Social Phenomenon and Political Topic in Poland" 4.4. 10-12 Pub 3

Dear all,

Dr Wojciech Woźniak, University of Lodz, is a vising teacher (Erasmus) this week at the Department of Social Research. He will give Friday 4.4. 10-12 (Pub 3) a public lecture on Inequalities as a Social Phenomenon and Political Topic in Poland. You are all sincerely welcome!

Inequalities as a social phenomenon and political topic in Poland

This lecture will be based on the outcomes of Wozniak's book “Social inequalities in Polish political discourse” (in Polish, Scholar Scientific Press, Warsaw 2012) and subsequent series of articles. Data regarding the growth of social inequalities in Poland (income, local and regional disparities, educational inequalities) in a course of transition will be confronted with the analysis of public and political discourse regarding the topic of social inequalities. The impact of political actions for the growth/petrification/decrease of inequalities will be also elaborated on.

Wojciech Woźniak

Wojciech Woźniak holds a PhD in sociology and works as an Assistant Professor in the Department of General Sociology, Faculty of Economics and Sociology, University of Lodz. His research interests cover: social inequalities, political discourse, public discourse concerning social problems (mainly with moral panics approach), Finnish socio-economic model, and sociology of sport. He has authored a book Social Inequalities in Polish Political Discourse (in Polish, Wydawnictwo Naukowe Scholar, 2012) and more than 30 papers in scientific journals and collections. Some of them can be found at: https://independent.academia.edu/WojciechWozniak
E-mail address: wwozniak at uni.lodz.pl

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