[Kaupunkitutkimus] Fwd: Three quantitive urban geography PhD positions opening

Sampo Ruoppila ruoppila at gmail.com
Thu Mar 13 21:42:45 EET 2014

Please find attached a flyer with a call for the 3 PhD positions for those
interested in quantitative urban geography at TU Delft.

The PhD positions are related to the European Research Council (ERC)
funded *Consolidator
Grant research project DEPRIVEDHOODS*: Socio-spatial inequality, deprived
neighbourhoods, and neighbourhood effects, led by the principal
investigator Professor Maarten van Ham.

DEPRIVEDHOODS is a methodologically challenging inter-disciplinary and
international 5-year research project with 10 researchers in four
countries, using unique geo-referenced longitudinal data from Sweden,
United Kingdom, Estonia, and The Netherlands. The objective is to come to a
better understanding of the relationship between socio-economic inequality,
poverty and neighbourhoods, at a time when the spatial concentration of
poverty within cities is of great concern to national governments.
DEPRIVEDHOODS will break new ground by simultaneously studying
neighbourhood sorting over the life course, neighbourhood change, and
neighbourhood effects, within one theoretical and analytical framework.

Please circulate the flyer to people who might be interested.

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