[Kaupunkitutkimus] CfP: Cities Learning Together

Ruoppila Sampo sampo.ruoppila at turku.fi
Wed Feb 19 11:19:13 EET 2014

-----Alkuperäinen viesti-----
Lähettäjä: Jari Stenvall [mailto:Jari.Stenvall at uta.fi] 
Lähetetty: 19. helmikuuta 2014 10:13
Vastaanottaja: Ruoppila Sampo
Aihe: Kansainvälinen worksho


Meillä on oheinen kv-workshop Tampereella kesäkuussa. Ehkäpä olet kiinnostunut? Olisikos tästä myös mahdollista laittaa tietoa teidän kapunkitutkimusverkostolle?

Call for papers  Cities Learning Together, Tampere 12-13 June 2014 APOLOGIES FOR CROSS POSTING

Dear colleague,

We are pleased to invite you to the workshop on Cities learning together - Public administration as a domain for smart solutions. The workshop will take place in Tampere, Finland, 12-13  June 2014


Please find below the call for papers. Abstracts should be submitted by the 7th of  April 2014.

Best regards,

Jari Stenvall
Professor, School of Management
University of Tampere, Finland

Call for papers for the PASCAL workshop on Cities learning together - Public administration as a domain for smart solutions

University of Tampere, School of Management, Finland, 12-13 June 2014

The objective of the conference is to bring about awareness of the role and needs of local communities in relation to learning, and to seek smart solutions in which cities and other public organizations can play a greater role in response to those needs.


Cities have to meet and solve unique and rapidly changing problems.  
Complexity brings about uncertainty and renders the managerial  
landscape fuzzy. Today, we live in an open society, bound together by  
systems of organisations, in which the transfer of information,  
interaction, and various boundaries are correspondingly reflected as  
the trademarks of public policy and public policy implementation. In  
this light then, there is an urgent need to reassess the traditional  
foundations and concepts of organisational and learning theory as well  
as the epistemological choices made in the course of current learning  
and organisational research.

A smart organization – like a smart city – constructs its knowledge  
base through a continuous learning process, based on, inter alia,  
numerous discussions within a given organization and exchange of ideas  
vis-à-vis with other organizations. In this context, cities need smart  
solutions which help them to overcome professional silos and to work  
with other public and private organizations. Co-production can be  
described as a potential relationship that exists between producer and  
client in the production of a service. Technology provides totally new  
kinds of possibilities to create smart solutions in cities.  Few can  
be managed successfully by any one city, or public organizations  
working alone.  Working together is essential but difficult.

There is a need to bring together theoretical insights and empirical  
data to enable a better understanding of smart solutions in the  
context of cities learning together. Therefore, we welcome both  
theoretical and empirical papers on the topics.  Interdisciplinary  
papers are also welcomed. Submissions are encouraged from doctoral  
students working on the topics. This workshop is interested in  
conceptual papers and case studies around questions that link learning  
and smart solutions in the public administration domain. Potential  
questions to be answered in the workshop include:

-	Does city learning really matter? How do cities really learn?
-	How can we create learning spaces and processes that encourage  
people to learn and plan consciously as groups linking up with other  
learner-actors across all sectors and institutions in the city?
-	How and where does devolution really work?
-	How can local responsibility and wisdom be engaged to meet global  
and national ecological and economic priorities?
-	How is high-level intent translated into practical action?
-	How can city administration, voluntary bodies, businesses and  
universities work together to overcome complex problems facing us, and  
develop cities that can survive and self-improve?
-	What is the role of local communities, citizens and service users in  
addressing and solving the big issues confronting cities?
The meeting will open with the keynotes and consist of individual  
paper presentations and be concluded with a round table discussion.

The study group co-chairs aim at providing an outlet for papers  
presented at the meeting, most likely through a special issue in an  
international journal.

The conference targets all city, public organization and business  
leaders, as well as non-government organizations and academics.

Date and Location
The Cities Learning Together meeting will take place in Tampere,  
Finland, on 12 and 13 June 2014 at University of Tampere.

The registration fee is 70 Euros or 95 Euros including the new book  
the PASCAL series edited by Carlot, Filloque, Osborne and Welsh,  
Universities in a time of crises – their role in regional development.  
Participants shall arrange travel and accommodation themselves.  For  
registered participants further information on accommodation will be  


Please register at latest 30.4.2014.
Registration form: https://elomake3.uta.fi/lomakkeet/11642/lomake.html


The conference fee should be paid to the account indicated below by 31.5.2014.

Account holder:Finnish Association for Local Goverment Studies
Iban: FI5917453000060782

Please, use refefrence: Pascal_first name_ last name

Please, submit abstracts (maximum 600 words) by 7 April 2014 to Elias  
Pekkola elias.pekkola at uta.fi.

Participants will be notified of acceptance by 16 April 2014. Full  
papers should be submitted by 6 June 2014.

The workshop is organized by Pascal International Observatory  
(University of Glasgow, UK), the School of Management (University of  
Tampere, Finland) and the Finnish Association for Local Government  
Studies (Finland).  The workshop is co-chaired by Professor Jari  
Stenvall (University of Tampere) and Professor Michael Osborne  
(University of Glasgow).

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