[Kaupunkitutkimus] Invitation: Workshop - The Legacies of Greater Helsinki Vision 2050

Söderholm Maria maria.soderholm at aalto.fi
Tue Jan 28 10:22:00 EET 2014

IMAGINE Workshop

The Legacies of Greater Helsinki Vision 2050

13.2.2014 13:00-16:00 in Otaniemi, Espoo

Address: Aalto University, Otakaari 1 ('Hallituksen istuntosali')

Organisers: Peter Ache, Radboud University Nijmegen; Aleksi Neuvonen, Demos Helsinki; Kaisa Schmidt-Thomé, Aalto University (YTK)

'If we cannot imagine, we cannot manage' - with this quote do (Neuman & Hull, 2009, p 782) open a perspective on the complexity of modern metropolitan development: The new functional relations and structures are stretching beyond our capacity to 'rationally' capture modern metropolitan spaces; the mode of governing these new metropolitan spaces struggles with a situation of distributed responsibilities and resources. How can we develop an integrated approach in such a situation? One answer could be established by reversing the quote: If we can imagine, by creating strong visions, we will be able to manage the new metropolitan spaces.

The short workshop shall bring together practitioners and academics observing the situation in the Helsinki region. The region had in 2006/07 an international ideas competition to create the Greater Helsinki Vision 2050 vision (=GHV 2050). This working process established a new arena to discuss visions for the future of an integrated region. How does this discussion stand today? What are the legacies of GHV 2050?

The programme consists of short (10-minute) input statements from the organisers and the invited guests, as well as of a panel discussion. The inputs analyse current vision making in the Helsinki region and link those efforts with the legacy of the Greater Helsinki Vision 2050 where relevant.

Inputs include:

* Reflection of the GHV process: the importance of vision making (Peter Ache & Aleksi Neuvonen)

* Remains of the GHV 2050: how far have we got (Tanja Sippola-Alho, City of Helsinki)

* State-of-the-art in Espoo (NN), Hyvinkää (Anne Jarva) and Helsinki region as a whole (Ilona Mansikka, Uudenmaan liitto)

* Recent strategic development in the Netherlands (Peter Ache)

* Oslo and Helsinki regions as visionaries (Irma Karjalainen, HSY)

* GHV - Opening-up of an expert culture? (Jani Päivänen, WSP Finland)

* Public space & GHV entries: revealing planning presumptions (Pasi Mäenpää, Univ. of Helsinki)

Further inputs can still be suggested and included in the programme and you may also bring some with you. Just remember to register yourself as soon as possible via e-mail to kaisa.schmidt-thome at aalto.fi. NOTE: Limited number of participants!
With Best Regards,

Maria Söderholm
Information Specialist
Aalto University
Dept. of Real Estate, Planning and Geoinformatics
Information services
P.O.BOX 12200, 00076 AALTO, Finland
Visiting address: Rakentajanaukio 2 C, Espoo

Tel. + Tel. +358 50 512 4618

maria.soderholm at aalto.fi<mailto:maria.soderholm at aalto.fi>

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