[Kaupunkitutkimus] VL: Launching of ”Urban pedagogy guide - a toolkit for young people and NGOs”

Ruoppila Sampo sampo.ruoppila at turku.fi
Tue Oct 29 16:11:39 EET 2013


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Lähettäjä: Asociatia Komunitas [educatie.urbana at gmail.com]
Lähetetty: 29. lokakuuta 2013 12:49
Aihe: Launching of ”Urban pedagogy guide - a toolkit for young people and NGOs”

Dear all,

Komunitas Association, an applied social sciences small organization based in Bucharest, Romania and Linnalabor, an urban laboratory from Estonia have realized together the ”URBAN PEDAGOGY GUIDE”, a publication which resulted from the project “Something cool happens at my school!”, conducted in “Traian” Technical College from Bucharest, between February – July 2013.

The guide can be found at the link below:

Urban pedagogy represents an interdisciplinary method of non-formal education, conceived by Komunitas Association in the last 5 years, which brings together elements of urban anthropology, urban planning and urban activism. The method proposes to familiarize youth with elementary notions of built environment, urban planning and design, heritage protection, anthropology and urban studies and with issues of public space usage, public art, participatory democracy regarding local urban development, civic activism, involvement and responsibility.

We think that such educational approaches are extremely necessary in the contemporary society, especially in a context where public space are privatized in an accelerated rhythm, and the public decisions are taken behind closed doors and in parallel with the citizens or their needs.

The most excluded from the decision making process are youth (especially children), which is somehow paradoxically, because they are the “inheritants” of tomorrow’s cities. What we, as adults,  can do is to offer them the chance of an active urban education, helping them guide themselves better in the lifelike and big complex a city forms, to understand how individual life connects with the collective one or how an urban planning decision is affecting them directly.

And not least, we need an education capable of teaching the youth to know their rights as urban residents and to grow capable of reclaiming their cities. The faster and earlier the urban education process begins, the more generations are going to become capable of chaining in a good way the multiple faces of contemporary cities.

You are free to contact us, so we can stay in touch, exchange information and built international cooperation.


Website of Komunitas: http://asociatia-komunitas.ro/en/
Website of Linnalabor: http://www.linnalabor.ee/
FB Komunitas: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Asociatia-Komunitas/153880641314010?ref=hl
FB Komunitas Urban Lab: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Laboratorul-Urban-Bucuresti/139462196235118?ref=hl

Best regards,

Miruna Tîrcă
Președinte Asociația Komunitas


stiinte sociale aplicate / applied social sciences
educatie urbana / urban education
educatie prin mijloace multimedia / multimedia education
interventii urbane / urban interventions
dezvoltare comunitara / community development
video activism / video activism

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