[Kaupunkitutkimus] FW: Reminder: Conference: Intn'l Academic Assoc on Planning, Law, and Property Rights Feb 11-14, Haifa

Söderholm Maria maria.soderholm at aalto.fi
Tue Oct 15 10:25:36 EEST 2013

Sori kun vähän myöhään laitan.
Dedis tälle on ... tänään.

From: alterman at technion.ac.il<mailto:alterman at technion.ac.il> [mailto:alterman at technion.ac.il]
Sent: 11. lokakuuta 2013 20:25

Subject: Reminder: Conference: Intn'l Academic Assoc on Planning, Law, and Property Rights Feb 11-14, Haifa

Dear colleagues (as Dublin conference co-chairs) - could you kindly distribute the following:

The 8th annual conference of the International Academic Association for Planning Law and Property Rights, 8th Annual Conference 2014 will take place in Haifa Israel, Feb. 11-14, 2014.

This is a reminder that the deadline for abstract submissions for PLPR 2014 is 15 October 2013.  Click here<http://plpr2014.technion.ac.il> <mailto:plpr2014 at technion.ac.il> for the website, here<http://plpr2014.net.technion.ac.il/call-for-papers/> for the call for papers and here<http://plpr2014.net.technion.ac.il/abstract-submission/> to submit your abstract now.

We are happy to announce that our opening reception will take place on 12 February and will be hosted by the Mayor of Haifa, in the historic City Hall in the Hadar mid-town area.  In addition, we will have a special pre-dinner reception on 13 February, hosted by the Bahai World Center<http://www.bahai.org/dir/bwc> (click here for more on the Bahai Gardens in Haifa<http://www.ganbahai.org.il/en/haifa/>).

Please note that the conference in Israel offers a new format - 5 alternative pre-conference in-depth workshops on current planning and law issues (a new workshop topic has been added).  Submit your workshop registration form<http://plpr2014.net.technion.ac.il/pre-conference-workshops/>.

We look forward to seeing you at PLPR 2014 Conference
Rachelle Alterman for the Local Organizing Committee

Professor Rachelle Alterman (PhD, urban planner and lawyer)
Initiator and director of MARE NOSTRUM - an EU ENPI Med. research and action project http://marenostrumproject.eu/
Awarded Honorary Membership, the highest honor of the Association of European Schools of Planning (July 12 2012)
Holder of the David Azrieli Professor Chair in Town Planning
Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa 32000, Israel
Tel:  +972-9-8991455  cell +972-50-5292917  Fax:  +972-4-8294617
Founding President 2006- Feb. 2010 - International Academic Association on Planning, Law and Property Rights
Recent book:  Takings International: A Comparative Perspective on Land Use Regulations and Compensation Rights (ABA Press, Chicago) - pre-publication version available for download on my web site

Tiedon välitti,
Maria Söderholm
Maankäyttötieteiden laitos
YTK - Yhdyskuntasuunnittelun tutkimus- ja koulutusryhmä
Tieto- ja kirjastopalvelut
PL 12200
00076 Aalto
Käyntiosoite: Rakentajanaukio 2 C, 4. krs.

p. 050 512 4618

maria.soderholm at aalto.fi<mailto:maria.soderholm at aalto.fi>

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