[Kaupunkitutkimus] Virtual school of knowledge for everyone

Education News news at educanews.org
Fri Sep 13 23:48:57 EEST 2013

          Virtual school of knowledge for everyone                Interactive teaching platform            Offer courses or attend courses online in a simple yet effective manner          

                      Thank you for your attention by reading the following message                       

          Lausanne, September 13, 2013          

          Cliquez ici pour la version française                       

          Mrs., Mr, Kaupunkitutkimus,                     

          Preamble :            We are looking for educational institutions, independent professors offering academic formation or educational support in different formation domains.          

          Your educational institution provides the unique opportunity to education, and this is why we would be honored if you accept to collaborate with us.          

          With this occasion, we would like to present you&#160;:&#160;            Freasyway, <<a free and easy path towards knowledge>> is a virtual teaching platform.&#160; We are talking about a complete and unique access tool to distance learning contents. Such contents are offered by schools, colleges, universities, superior technical schools, independent professors or organizations. The courses are fee or paid and are made available to all members registered on the integrated network of Freasyway          

          The platform is also dedicated to professionals and citizens from around the globe who want to promote education at a worldwide scale.          

          According to the name itself, the purpose of Free Easy Way is to become an international teaching platform, once it becomes available on all five continents. Currently, the platform is available in eight languages and will expand until the end of this year.          

          We have planned that <<Freasyway>> enlarges its development in emerging countries. Here, there will be implemented “Learning Centers” in areas where internet access is merely a possibility, such as certain countries from Africa Asia and South America.          

          The idea is to promote education at a global scale with the support of public and provate paertners in order to increase the chances to education and to allow anyone interested to learn regardless their age, education level, availability or income. Unfortunately, such type of formation is still a luxury for many people, especially is emerging countries or un-developed countries.          

          According to a recent market study and polls conducted by the Northeastern University and Dell on the subject of technology and education, the majority of respondents have agreed with the fact that technology plays an essential role in transmitting knowledge regardless the physical or imaginary boundaries.          

          We firmly believe that knowledge is power. This way, we would like to retrace the knowledge frontiers.          

          Education represents the act of developing an assembly of knowledge and moral values, physical, intellectual and scientific values which are essential for reaching an ideal level of culture.          

          Education also means using all the necessary means and methods to ensure formation and the development of the human being. This imperious need is also a tool for developing one’s personality and for reinforcing the human rights and the fundamental freedom. Freasyway aims to respond the public’s needs and should allow us to produce real results and profits.          

          In order to adhere to this initiative :            Click here : for students, professionals and communities            Click here : for educational institutions and independent professors                        Click here : for becoming a partner or an international community manager            Click here : for investments or for sustaining this project financially etc…          

          Currently, Freasyway counts thousands of registered users, students and individuals eager to learn through our teaching platform. In addition. In addition, there are over 81 educational institutions, organizations and independent professors that actively contribute to enriching the varied course offer which available for all members.          

          Students can start with a specific link (their social network on Freasyway), fulfill their needs and share information with other members though an advanced learning platform: www.freasyway.com.          

          On the other hand, educational institutions will access the platform using their own dedicated link: http://edu.freasyway.com.          

          In the following days, we expect a high number of subscribers from different countries and of different nationalities, age and social or economical levels. Actually, we are living in a world that is constantly changing, but education remains the key to adapt to this world and the key to personal and social development.          

          We remain at your disposal if you need additional information or for meetings and further discussions.            We thank you in advance for your attention in reading this message and for considering our request.            Best regards!          


          Contact             Free Easy Way            H-Technologies SA            Chemin de Beau-Val 22            CH-1012 Lausanne, Suisse          

          Only English             Staff Manager: Staicu Mihaela          

          Skype: freasyway            Office 1: +1 650 318 5239            Office 2: + 40 765690667            E-mail: s.mihaela(at)freasyway.net          

          ---------------------------            Français uniquement             Directeur : Steven Hori          

          Skype: hori.ht            Office 1: + 41 79 414 15 09            Office 2: + 41 21 652 00 90          

E-mail: info.bp(at)freasyway.net                    www.freasyway.com            http://edu.freasyway.net            www.h-technologies.net          

          Follow us :            Youtube l Twitter l Facebook l Linkedin          

          Please do not answer at this email.            This mailing box is never checked, so you will not get a reply.            If you don't want to receive an email, please click to Unsubscribe          



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