[Kaupunkitutkimus] FW: Discussion group on urban affairs in Helsinki area

Söderholm Maria maria.soderholm at aalto.fi
Tue Mar 19 10:31:11 EET 2013

From: a-forum-bounces at list.hut.fi [mailto:a-forum-bounces at list.hut.fi] On Behalf Of Bocharnikov Petr
Sent: 19. maaliskuuta 2013 10:27

Dear all,

You are warmly welcome to join a discussion group on urban affairs in the Helsinki area this Saturday (23.3) at 4 pm.

It is an informal event organised monthly. It brings together professionals and researches from planning and architecture for an open-subject discussion on the contemporary issues in Helsinki. The past meetings had lively debates on the gap between what people want for Helsinki and what city planners and developers want to build, the problems of public space, the new Kaisas library, and the construction in Töölönlahti.

The discussion is in English.

The group is run by Hogan Richard, an architect with Inter-­Arch Architecture. It is held at Arkadia International Bookshop, Nervanderinkatu 11. The exact room may vary.Do not hesitate to ask shopowner, Ian Bourgeot, for directions.

Petr Bocharnikov

Master's Programme in Managing Spatial Change
School of Engineering
Aalto University

petr.bocharnikov at aalto.fi<mailto:petr.bocharnikov at aalto.fi>


Tiedon välitti,
Maria Söderholm
Maankäyttötieteiden laitos
Tieto- ja kirjastopalvelut
PL 12200
00076 AALTO

Käyntiosoite: Rakentajanaukio 2 C

p. 050 512 4618
maria.soderholm at aalto.fi<mailto:maria.soderholm at aalto.fi>

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