[Kaupunkitutkimus] Urban History Day, Tampere 12.3.

Taina Syrjämaa taisyr at utu.fi
Thu Feb 21 10:35:40 EET 2013

Vuotuinen kaupunkihistorian seminaari "Urban History Day" pidetään tänä vuonna Tampereella 12.3. Alla seminaarin ohjelma. Tervetuloa!
terv. Taina Syrjämaa

Taina Syrjämaa
Yleinen historia
20014 Turun yliopisto
taisyr at utu.fi

Urban History Day 5

Rebuilding Cities, Reconstructing Urban Identities

University of Tampere 12.3.2013

Lecture room C6, Main building, Kalevantie 4.


12:15 Opening Marjaana Niemi

Session 1: Rebuilding cities, urbanising 'peripheries'


Håkan Forsell (Örebro University/Stockholm University):
Urbanising the Periphery: Development and Design of Swedish Towns and Regions during the Twentieth Century.

Tapio Salminen (University of Tampere): Small but few? Medieval towns and urbanisation in Finland

Anja Kervanto Nevanlinna (University of Helsinki): Prerequisites for Helsinki urbanisation: Histories of space in time

14:15-14:30 Coffee

Session 2: Neighbourhoods and suburbia


 Suzanne M. Sinke (Florida State University): Ethnic cities, ethnic neighborhoods, non-ethnic enclaves: public visions from U.S. history

Ulla Pohjamo: One hundred years of re-interpretation - Hietasaari suburban island in Oulu

 15:45-16:00 Coffee

 Session 3: Reconstructing urban identities: engaging with the past in the present


 Tanja Vahtikari (University of Tampere): Urban history politics in post-second World War Helsinki: engaging with the past at the city's 400th anniversary celebrations in 1950

Anna Sivula (University of Turku): From ordinary space to personalised heritage: added microhistorical values in Pori

17:00- Refreshments


Registration is free, but in order to arrange the coffees, we would kindly ask for a pre-registration by email by 8th March to Tanja Vahtikari, School of Social Sciences and Humanities (History), 30014 University of Tampere, tanja.vahtikari at uta.fi

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