[Kaupunkitutkimus] City Peripheries/Peripheral Cities cfp

ameel at mappi.helsinki.fi ameel at mappi.helsinki.fi
Tue Dec 4 14:07:37 EET 2012

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City Peripheries / Peripheral Cities
The first international conference of the Helsinki Literature and the   
  City Network (HLCN)
Helsinki, Finland 29-30 August 2013

The conference ‘City Peripheries / Peripheral Cities’ invites papers    
on new approaches to the study of literary cities, city peripheries    
and peripheral cities in any historical period or part of the world.    
See attachment for the conference abstract. The deadline for the call   
  for papers is 15 March 2013. The language of the conference is    
English. Please send proposals (length approximately 300 words) to    
lieven.ameel at helsinki.fi

The keynote speakers are Professor Tone Selboe, University of Oslo and  
   Professor Jeremy Tambling, University of Manchester. Professor   
Selboe  has written extensively on city literature and urban theory.   
Her  latest articles in English include “Home and City in Dickens’s   
Great  Expectations and Flaubert’s L’éducation sentimentale”, and   
“Virginia  Woolf and the Ambiguities of Domestic Space”. Professor   
Tambling is  the author of numerous books on comparativist literary   
themes  including, with an urban focus, Lost in the American City:   
Dickens,  James and Kafka (2001), Going Astray: Dickens and London   
(2009) and,  with Louis Lo, Walking Macao: Reading the Baroque (also   

Papers on subjects including, but not limited to, the following themes  
   are welcome:

-	City peripheries in pre-modern literature
-	City writing from below: slumming, narratives of marginal urbanities
-	From the centre to the margins and beyond: urban dynamics in literature
-	Literary descriptions of travel to and beyond city peripheries
-	Literature which addresses the question of how city peripheries are   
  to be defined: what is and what is not city?
-	The literature of cities (and language cultures) which are distant    
from other urban centres or from today's globalised megacities
-	Peripheral urban genres: novels aimed at young readers, the ‘urban    
novel’ or ‘street lit.’, the hard-boiled crime novel, etc.
-	Suburban perspectives on city literature
-	Shifting and overlapping boundaries between the urban, the suburban   
  and the rural
-	Frontiers within the city (social, spatial, literary)
-	Multicultural, multiethnic and multilingual cities
-	Urban wastelands: the literature of abandoned areas and deserted buildings

Particular sessions on literary London, urban dynamics, and Northern    
peripheral cities have been proposed, and further sessions will be    
organized on the basis of the final applications.

During the conference, a round table discussion will be held to    
discuss the development of the network and the possibilities for    
further cooperation between international scholars in the field of    
urban literary studies. A peer-reviewed publication on the basis of    
selected conference papers is planned.

For more information contact:
Lieven Ameel, University of Helsinki (lieven.ameel at helsinki.fi)
Jason Finch, Åbo Akademi University (jfinch at abo.fi)
Markku Salmela, University of Tampere (markku.salmela at uta.fi)

HLCN website:

Lieven Ameel
MA, junior researcher
The Finnish Doctoral Programme for Literary Studies
Department of Finnish, Finno-Ugrian and Scandinavian Studies
P. O. Box 3, 00014 University of Helsinki
lieven.ameel at helsinki.fi
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