[Kaupunkitutkimus] course on Geographies of Neoliberalism and Post Neoliberalism

Jussi Jauhiainen jusaja at utu.fi
Wed Oct 24 13:25:42 EEST 2012

Course (MAAN7826 Geographies of Neoliberalism and Post Neoliberalism, 5 ECTS) available at Geography Section, University of Turku. Register through Nettiopsu by 30 Oct. 

Maantieteen osaston vieraileva Fulbright-professori Susan Roberts pitää luentosarjan uusliberalismista. Kurssi on tarkoitettu erityisesti maisteriopiskelijoille. Ilmoittautuminen Nettiopsussa. Ilman suoritus- tai ilmoittautumispakkoa voi kurssin luentoja käydä kuuntelemassa muutenkin.

T. Jussi

Geographies of Neoliberalism and Post Neoliberalism
Prof. Susan Roberts

Lecture 1 Weds Oct 31, 14-16, room 412 (geography section, LT 2, 4th floor)
Introduction to the Course: What is Neoliberalism?

Lecture 2 Fri Nov 2, 10-12, lecture hall XV (geography section, LT 2, 4th floor)
The Emergence of Neoliberalism, Relations to Liberalism, Key elements of Neoliberalism

Lecture 3 Weds Nov 7, 12-14, lecture hall 2 (main building of UTU)
Battle of Ideas in the Twentieth Century

Lecture 4 Fri Nov 9, 10-12, room (XV ?) 
Geographical Approaches to Neoliberalism I: Marxian Political Economy; Reading David Harvey on Neoliberalism

Lecture 5 Weds Nov 14, 12-14, room 412 (geography section, LT 2, 4th floor)
Geographical Approaches to Neoliberalism II: Regulation Theory-inspired and III: Foucault inspired; Reading Jamie 
Peck, Wendy Larner and others on Neoliberalism

Lecture 6 Fri Nov 16, 8-10, room XV (geography section, LT 2, 4th floor)
Neoliberal Cities, Neoliberal Natures

Lecture 7 Weds Nov 28, 14-16, room 412 (geography section, LT 2, 4th floor)
Neoliberal Geopolitics, Neoliberal Development

Lecture 8 Fri Nov 30, 8-10, room XV (geography section, LT 2, 4th floor)
Post Neoliberalism?; Course Wrap-up

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