[Kaupunkitutkimus] Urban and Landscape Days 9, Tallinn May 14 2012

Sampo Ruoppila ruoppila at gmail.com
Wed May 9 21:54:09 EEST 2012

Tallinnassa kovatasoinen kaupunkitutkimuksen ilmaistapahtuma ensi maanantaina / Good-quality free-of-charge urban studies event in Tallinn next Monday.

Edelleenlähetetty viesti:

> Lähettäjä: "Panu Lehtovuori" <panu at livady.fi>
> Päiväys: 9. toukokuuta 2012 20.56.07 UTC+3.00
> Vastaanottaja: stadi-lista at helsinki.fi
> Aihe: Urban and Landscape Days 9, Tallinn May 14 2012
> Vastaus: "Panu Lehtovuori" <panu at livady.fi>

> Ave,
> ensi maanantaina 14.5. kaupunkitutkimus- ja suunnittelukonferenssi
> "Shaping City Regions" Tallinnassa. Tervetuloa!
> Welcome next Monday to "Shaping City Regions" conference in Tallinn. Also
> Tuesday May 15 has interesting programme in Kumu + public lecture by Zaera
> Polo in city centre. Links below.
> Panu
> ***
> Estonian Academy of Arts, Tallinn
> Kiriku plats 1
> Rüütelkonna Hall, Toompea
> May 14, 2012
> Tallinn has grown over its municipal boundary already a while ago.
> Currently, a regional process valorizing the suburban municipalities (the
> ‘Golden Ring’ around Tallinn) is complemented by the emerging
> international connectivity towards Helsinki (Talsinki twin city). The
> actual shape of Tallinn region is in flux, opening a new set of
> opportunities for creative regional urbanism.
> The 9th Urban and Landscape Day will address this highly important nexus
> of strategic questions through two lenses. Firstly, physical large-scale
> ‘landscape icons’ and their role in building regional image and identity
> will be explored in a European comparison. Secondly, new process ideas and
> technical solutions that facilitate broad participation and actor-based
> identity-creation will be tested and ameliorated.
> The 9th Urban and Landscape Day will consist of open keynote lectures,
> expert panels and discussions. Lectures will be in Rüütelkonna Hall,
> Toompea. The event is also coordinated with the opening of City of
> Helsinki’s ‘Helsinki Horizon 2030' container, to be formally opened by
> Mayor of Helsinki in May 15, 2012 at 2pm and student event at 8pm at
> Tallinn Harbour area, Admiraliteedi basin.
> 9.30-10.00    coffee and registration
> 10.00-10.10    welcoming words
>        prof. Panu Lehtovuori, Katrin Koov
> PANEL 1:    regional coherence through form & landscape icons
>        Moderators Kadri Klementi and Katrin Koov
> 10.10-10.55    Keynote 1: Hans Mommaas, Professor of Leisure Studies, Tilburg
>            University, NL “The region, what region? Experiences from the
> Netherlands”
> 11.00-11.45    Keynote 2: Reinhard Micheller, landscape architect, Munich, DE
>        “Tallinn – Archipelago City”
> 11.50-12.10    Hannes Palang, Professor of human geography, director of
> Estonian            Institute of Humanities, Tallinn University, EE
>        "Life in urban sprawl"
> 12.10-12.30    Leena Rossi, Head of General Master Planning, City of
> Jyväskylä, FI
>        "From City Region to Regional City - the power of passion, language and
>        landscape in planning of Jyväskylä"
> 12.30-12.50    Evelin Reimand, landscape architect, EE
>        "Catalysing urbanity with nature. Opening Lake Ülemiste to the public"
> 12.50-13.10    Jörn Frenzel, architect/strategic designer, eyLAND lab DE/IS
>        "Between form and social space - collaborative strategies for communities"
> 13.10-13.40    Moderated panel discussion
> 13.40-14.30    lunch break (in next room)
> PANEL 2:    regional coherence through process & new tools
>        Moderators Kristi Grišakov and Panu Lehtovuori
> 14.30-15.15    Keynote 3: Ilija Vukorep, Professor of computer-aided design
> and            architectural theory, Hochschule Lausitz, DE
>        "Digital Concepts in Urban Environments"
> 15.20-16.05    Keynote 4: Jürgen Rendl, cultural worker and activist,
>        Bratislava/ Vienna, SK/AT
>        "Stadlnova - a fictive suburb between Bratislava and Vienna"
> 16.10-16.30    Ulla Tapaninen, Adjunct Professor of Maritime Logistics,
> University of Turku,        Expert in International Logistics, City of
> Helsinki, FI
>        "Tallinn Helsinki - a twin city in light of passenger and cargo transport"
> 16.30-16.50    Martin Melioranski, architect, researcher, Estonian Academy of
> Arts, EE
>        "Measuring the Real, Computing the Actual"
> 16.50-17.10    Damiano Cerrone, planner, student, Estonian Academy of Arts, EE
>        Kristjan Männigo, architect, EE
>        Daniel Giovannini, PhD Physicist, Glasgow UK
>        “Simplex City, looking at urban topologies through interdisciplinary
> lenses”
> 17.10-17.40    Moderated panel discussion
> 17.40-18.00    Presentation of the Future Scenarios for Väo quarry, EAA Urban
> Studies and Landscape Architecture students
> 18.00-20.00    Evening outdoors
> Post-conference opportunities:
> 15.5 9am-5pm    Nordic Look conference in KUMU art museum
> 15.5 at 2pm    Opening of ‘Helsinki Horizon 2030’ container at Tallinn yacht
> harbour
> 15.5 at 6pm    Open lecture by Alejandro Zaera-Polo at LHV bank Tartu road 2
> 15.5 at 8pm    Evening event at ‘Helsinki Horizon 2030’ container at
> Admiraliteedi basin
> The conference is free of charge.
> More information:
> Panu Lehtovuori, Katrin Koov
> urban at artun.ee
> tel. +372 642 0071
> Sources, links:
> http://stadlnova.col-me.info/-idea-/
> http://www.vatnavinir.is/home
> http://www.nordiclook.ee/en
> http://wdchelsinki2012.fi/en
> Panu Lehtovuori
> Professori, arkkitehti SAFA
> Arkkitehtitoimisto Livady Oy
> Hämeentie 4 C 11, FI-00530 Helsinki
> panu at livady.fi
> +358 50 525 0252
> Stadi-lista
> Stadipiirin sahkopostilista sijaitsee Helsingin yliopiston palvelimella.
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