[Kaupunkitutkimus] Esitelmäkutsu: Shaping places through cultural encounters - työryhmä Pohjoismaisessa etnologikongressissa Bergenissä 18.-21.6.2012

Helena Ruotsala helruo at utu.fi
Mon Jan 9 15:19:36 EET 2012

Seminaarin esitelmäkutsu on auki 15.1.2012 asti!

Shaping places through cultural encounters

Townscapes and urban spaces are inspiring sites in many ways. They are constantly being altered and modified as a result of intermingling local and global influences. How urban spaces are lived and experienced, narrated and memorised, told and transmitted is depending on individuals' gender, age, ethnicity, class, social background and life history.

Nowadays most people have moved from one place to another several times during their lives. At  the same time they have also crossed several borders. Diversified mobilities of transnational and domestic migrants and diasporas are challenging our concepts of places and spaces. The former living places left behind for many reasons are carried along as memories and narratives. Experiences and memories of earlier places always play a role in getting acquainted with new environments physically as well as socially.

In our panel we are focusing on cultural encounters in urban spaces. We are especially interested in how people are attached to their own environments, living places, "micro spaces" instead of studying urban spaces on a larger level. How cultural encounters, variations and inequalities are experienced? How do these experiences shape urban spaces, spatial practices and understandings of everyday life in relation to urban spatiality?

We invite ethnologist and other researchers to participate in our panel both with empirical and theoretical papers.

Would you like to take part in this panel? Send abstract to:
PhD, Research Fellow Tiina-Riitta Lappi, Ethnology, University of Jyväskylä, tiina-riitta.
lappi at jyu.fi<mailto:lappi at jyu.fi>
PhD, Professor Helena Ruotsala, European Ethnology, University of Turku, helena.ruotsala at utu.fi<mailto:helena.ruotsala at utu.fi>
Copy: panel at bergen2012.no<mailto:panel at bergen2012.no>

Lisätietoja kongressista: http://www.bergen2012.no/kongresser/kongresser-2012/den-32-nordiske-etnolog-og-folkloristkonferansen-18-21-jun/call-for-panels/

Helena Ruotsala
PhD., Professor
European Ethnology
School of History, Culture and Arts Studies
University of Turku
FI 20014  TURKU
tel: +358 2 333 5255, mobile +358 40 7325489
e-mail helena.ruotsala at utu.fi

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