[it] [yleiset] [tuotteistajat] [tt] Productization Summer Education - Theoretical Background for New Product Development

Sami Hyrynsalmi sthyry at utu.fi
Wed Apr 21 21:38:41 EEST 2010

Electronics Productization Research Group ( http://productization.utu.fi 
) in collaboration with the Chair of Software Engineering ( 
http://soft.utu.fi ) will offer courses (20-25 ECTS, suitable for, e.g., 
a minor subject) on New Product Development (NPD) during the summer. The 
NPD entity is perfect for full-time summer students, since the courses 
require full-time attendance during the intensive lecture weeks and 
part-time attendance during the project case. The lectures will be held 
at the ICT-building in Turku.

The courses will be lectured if 15 or more students enroll to the 
courses. The courses are also limited by the number of students that can 
enroll. If elimination is needed, selection is made with the following 

-    Number of credits and the estimated graduation year,
-    Student can add the courses to his/hers study plan, and
-    Student will participate in most of the offered courses.

If the selection can’t be made with these criteria, “first-come 
first-served” is used. The courses are suitable for both hardware and 
software oriented students. No previous knowledge is needed, but a 
general view of a student's own field of study is helpful.

Enroll before 3rd of May to Arho Suominen ( aamsuo at utu.fi ) via email. 
Write “Summer courses” as the subject and give your student number, 
name, courses you want to attend, and a brief description of your 
studies (year of enrollment to the university, number of credits, 
estimated graduation time and major subject) in the message. If there 
are under 15 enrollments, the courses will be canceled.

PLEASE NOTE! If you have to cancel your participation to the courses, 
please send an email to Arho Suominen as soon as possible.

Please make sure from the student counselor or your major subject's 
professor how you can include the courses in your studies. Software 
engineering major students can include the courses into e.g. the V-module.


Special Course in Productization (DTEK8022) 2 ECTS
24.5.2010 – 28.5.2010 from 9 am to 3 pm (Lectures, Exercises and Exam)

Introduction to Project Leadership (DTEK8049) 4 ECTS
31.5.2010 – 4.6.2010 from 9 am to 3 pm (Lectures, Exercises and Exam)

Industrial Design (DTEK8008) 3 ECTS
15.6.2010 – 4.7.2010 Independent work and book exam on the 5.7.2010

Software Product Development (DTEK2004) 5 ECTS
6.7.2010 – 9.7.2010 from 9 am to 3 pm (Lectures, Exercises and Exam)

Project Case (DTEK8009) 6 ECTS
12.7.2010 – 14.8.2010 Team Work. The final report and presentation due 

Book exams will be offered for those interested to take additional 5 ECTS.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Arho 
Suominen ( aamsuo at utu.fi ).

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