[H-verkko] Esitelmät ja keskustelutilaisuudet: ELBOW TALK 2 / S2 – Kuura Irni, Reconciling Ecofeminism and Transfeminism
Agricola - Suomen humanistiverkko
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Ti Helmi 4 16:26:57 EET 2025
Agricolan tapahtumakalenteriin on lähetetty uusi tapahtuma:
ELBOW TALK 2 / S2 – Kuura Irni, Reconciling Ecofeminism and Transfeminism
19.3.2025 klo 13:00 - klo 14:00 Verkossa
Webinaari: https://helsinki.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_QBc1RIn4QFyifOOQz2Qt9Q
Welcome to our second ELBOW Talk of the Season 2 by Senior University Lecturer Kuura Irni (University of Helsinki). Abstract of the talk below.
Reconciling Ecofeminism and Transfeminism: Understanding ”Nature” in Trans and Animal Politics within Feminist Theory
In this talk I attempt a reconciliation of transfeminism and the critical strand of ecofeminism which is nowadays called vegan feminism, and which has been problematised as trans-exclusive because of problematic notions of gender and nature. I suggest that Donna Haraway’s notion of nature, as well as rereading her animal politics through a critical ecofeminist lense, are key to formulating a trans-inclusive ecofeminism. While Haraway herself has not exactly built transfeminist theory, her work has inspired key scholars in transfeminism and the emerging field of transecology, which, I argue, also benefit from thinking with an ecofeminist perspective.
elbow.research at helsinki.fi
Tämä ilmoitus on luettavissa Agricola-verkossa osoitteessa https://agricolaverkko.fi/event/elbow-talk-2-s2-kuura-irni-reconciling-ecofeminism-and-transfeminism/
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