[H-verkko] Muut ilmoitukset: EXTENDED for the Finnish Oral History Network Symposium 2024 – Memory in Movement: Pace, Connection & Introspection

Agricola - Suomen humanistiverkko no-reply at agricolaverkko.fi
To Kesä 6 15:39:42 EEST 2024

Agricolan ilmoituksiin on lähetetty uusi muut ilmoitukset: 
EXTENDED for the Finnish Oral History Network Symposium 2024 – Memory in Movement: Pace, Connection & Introspection
Call for Papers for the 9th Symposium of the Finnish Oral History Network FOHN
Deadline for submissions: extended deadline Monday June 17th 2024

Memory in Movement: Pace, Connection & Introspection
28th–29th November 2024, University of Jyväskylä, Finland 

This conference critically explores the concept of ‘movement’ in relation to oral history and memory studies. ‘Movement’ is defined broadly and inclusively: it can refer to social movements, physical movement, or movement across concrete or conceptual borders. It can be interpreted as the movements that have shaped oral history as a discipline, from its inception to today. Moreover, the memories oral historians study are constantly in motion, with the present framing people’s recollection and understanding of the past. In this conference ‘movement’ is therefore paired with the notion of ‘pace’, accentuating the importance of temporality for the study of oral history.

We invite researchers and practitioners to approach their work from an introspective angle, examining how subjective experiences and social factors impact the speed at which oral history is conducted. The conference offers researchers an interdisciplinary setting in which to connect and present cutting-edge ideas.

The conference’s keynote speakers are Lynn Abrams (University of Glasgow), Daniele Salerno (Utrecht University), Kirsti Jõesalu (University of Tartu) and Samira Saramo (Migration Institute of Finland).

We wish to invite contributions involving methodological, analytical, and ethical questions, as well as case studies. Proposals may be submitted for individual papers or panels. Individual paper submissions require a title and a maximum 250-word abstract. Panel proposals should include a title and a 250-word description of the panel, and a title plus 250-word abstract for each individual paper (maximum five papers per panel). The conference language will be English.

To learn more and submit your proposal, please visit the conference website at https://www.jyu.fi/fohn2024 or email us at fohn2024 at jyu.fi. 

To directly access the abstract submission form, head to: https://registration.contio.fi/jyu/Registration/Login?id=4241-KONG_HYTK-3610. 
Hannah Kaarina Yoken
hannah.k.yoken at jyu.fi

Ilmoitus vanhenee: 17.6.2024 klo 23:59

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