[H-verkko] Artikkelipyyntö: Edited Volume on Parliamentary Discourses in the Digital Age

Agricola - Suomen humanistiverkko no-reply at agricolaverkko.fi
Ma Helmi 5 08:03:48 EET 2024

Agricolan ilmoituksiin on lähetetty uusi artikkelipyyntö: 
Edited Volume on Parliamentary Discourses in the Digital Age
In recent years, data-intensive research in the digital humanities and social sciences has matured, leading to the emergence of several source-specific publications that explore the potential and limitations of machine-readable materials such as newspapers (Digitised Newspapers: A New Eldorado for Historians?) or web archives (History in the Age of Abundance: How the Web is Transforming Historical Research). We are pleased to announce a call for papers for a forthcoming open-access volume focusing on parliamentary discourses. We invite submissions to this research-oriented volume that provides scholars room for nuanced arguments in the social sciences and humanities (SSH), including for example the fields of history, political science, and linguistics. This volume showcases state-of-the-art research in the study of parliamentary discourses. Submissions may encompass parliamentary data from any nation and any time period. We seek submissions that contribute to SSH knowledge in the form of new arguments or interpretations and not merely descriptive statements. Authors should make explicit connections to existing research in their submissions. Contributions may present methodological advancements in data-intensive SSH research, but they are not mandatory.

The topics of contributions can include but are not limited to:

 	detailed case studies that demonstrate the possibilities of big parliamentary data, e.g., overcoming subjective sampling of speeches, expanding temporal scope, or making systematic cross-national comparisons.
 	critical analyses of the use of machine-readable parliamentary debates as a research source, e.g., discussing their inherent biases or added value to the humanities and social sciences.
 	theoretical discussions on the relation between close reading and distant reading in the study of parliamentary discourses, e.g., the validation of findings derived from computational methods.

Submission Guidelines:

 	Abstracts should be approximately 500 words, clearly describing the proposed paper's focus, methodology, and relevance to the volume's theme.
 	Include a brief biographical note with your submission.
 	Submissions should be sent to hugo.cg.bonin at jyu.fi and risto.j.turunen at jyu.fi by March 15.
 	Tentative timeline. Notification of decisions by March 31. Full papers (6,000–11,000 words) by October 20. Comments from the editors by 31 October. Revision period in November. Submission to the publisher in December 2024.

We look forward to receiving your contributions to the emerging field.

Risto Turunen, Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Jyväskylä, National Coordinator for DARIAH-FI

Hugo Bonin, Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Jyväskylä
Risto Turunen
risto.j.turunen at jyu.fi

Ilmoitus vanhenee: 15.3.2024 klo 23:59

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