[H-verkko] Konferenssit ja seminaarit: Cultural transfer between Poland, Finland and Sweden from the Jagiellonian era to the end of the Vasa Dynasty: on the 460th anniversary of Catherine Jagiellon’s arrival to Finland (1562–2022)

Agricola - Suomen humanistiverkko no-reply at agricolaverkko.fi
Ma Joulu 5 17:28:53 EET 2022

Agricolan tapahtumakalenteriin on lähetetty uusi tapahtuma:
Cultural transfer between Poland, Finland and Sweden from the Jagiellonian era to the end of the Vasa Dynasty: on the 460th anniversary of Catherine Jagiellon’s arrival to Finland (1562–2022)

12.12.2022 klo 10:00 -  klo 18:00 Turun yliopisto, Publicum, Pub4 https://www.google.com/maps/search/?api=1&query=Publicum%2C+Turku%2C+Suomi
Day conference: Cultural transfer between Poland, Finland and Sweden from the Jagiellonian era to the end of the Vasa Dynasty: on the 460th anniversary of Catherine Jagiellon’s arrival to Finland (1562–2022)

Time: December 12, from 10:00 to 18:00
Venue: Lecture Hall Pub4, Publicum, University of Turku

The conference is open for all and does not require a registration. The conference is organised by TUCEMEMS (Turku Centre for Medieval and Early Modern Studies), Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Helsinki, Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences, and Polska Institutet Stockholm.


The period of the Jagiellonian rule lasting for centuries, until the end of the second half of the 17th Century, when the reign of the rulers from the House of Vasa began, is the time when the Commonwealth remained a power (territorial and military) in Europe. The rulers of the Jagiellonian dynasty and the Vasa dynasty entered into marriages with, for example, German, Czech, Hungarian and Swedish courts, which resulted in an intensified contact of Polish culture with other cultures. The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth at that time was a multicultural state: it was inhabited not only by Poles and Lithuanians, but also by Germans, Jews, Swedes, Scots, and Tatars.

The aim of the conference will be to look at the phenomenon of cultural transfer between Polish culture and other cultures (especially Scandinavian ones) in the mentioned period.


10:00-10.15 Opening

Nina Manninen (University of Turku, Finland) & Ewa Cybulska-Bohuszewicz (Institute of the Literary Research of the Polish Academy Sciences, Poland, Warsaw): Polish Manuscript of Catherine’s Dowry.

10.15-11.45 1. Session

Małgorzata Ciszewska (Institute of the Literary Research of the Polish Academy Sciences, Poland, Warsaw): Catherine Jagiellon and her story in the funeral sermon delivered by Szczęsny Skarżyński.

Anu Lahtinen (University of Helsinki, Finland): Letters from exile. Swedes and the cultural exchange between Sweden and Poland-Lithuania.

Dariusz Chemperek (Maria Skłodowska-Curie University, Lublin, Poland): Anna Wazówna’s (Anna Vasa) heritage.

11.45-12.45 Lunch

12.45-14.15 2. Session

Paweł Bohuszewicz (Nicolaus Copernicus University, Toruń, Poland): Sigismund III Vasa as a descendant of the Goths and Sarmatians (in the light of the Polish Chronicle).

Eva Mattsson (Vadstena Castle, Sweden): Consequences of Katarzyna Jagiellonka’s marriage to Jan Waza (in the international perspective: Sweden-Finland – Poland.

Tupu Ylä-Anttila (University of Helsinki, Finland): The Jagiellonian and Vasa dynasties from the Habsburg point of view 1523–1572.

14.15-14.30 Pause

14.30-16.00 3. Session

Peter Sjökvist (Uppsala University, Sweden): Reconstructing Sigismund Vasa Swedish library at Uppsala – Some observations of its physical evidence.

Radosław Rusnak (Warsaw University, Poland): Swedes in selected texts of Polish literature of the 16th and 17th centuries.

Nina Manninen (University of Turku, Finland): The Princess Returns: Using research in the making of an exhibition.

16.00-16.15 Pause

16.15-17.15 4. Session

Michał Kuran (University of Łódź, Poland): Description of the Kingdom of Sweden in Aleksander Gwagnin’s Chronicle of Sarmacy in Europe.

Ewa Cybulska-Bohuszewicz (Institute of Literary Research, Warsaw, Poland): Description of the North and the beliefs of its inhabitants in a treatise by Maciej Miechowita.


Marika Räsänen
marika.rasanen at utu.fi

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