[H-verkko] Artikkelipyyntö: Region, Community, State

Agricola - Suomen humanistiverkko no-reply at agricolaverkko.fi
Pe Tammi 22 13:54:29 EET 2021

Agricolan ilmoituksiin on lähetetty uusi artikkelipyyntö: 
Region, Community, State

We invite you to participate in writing the articles for Historia Provinciae’s theme issue (1/2021).


The Cover story of the issue is: Region, Community, State: Relations during the 19th century in the Baltic Sea and East Europe

The often-unexpected changes of Enlightenment and Napoleonic wars, industrial and scientific revolutions as well as empire and nation building influenced significantly on the relations between communities, regions, provinces and states. The consequences of these and related phenomena varied, not only from state to state, but also between and inside different provinces and regions. As the formation of modern, centralized states took in practice place only towards the end of the century, this underlines the importance of regional context.

The relations between states, regions, and communities in North Western and Eastern Europe can be compared e. g. from following viewpoints:

-       centre-periphery or accessibility vs remoteness

-       infrastructures of information, science, business

-       regional governance: organization, process, policy

Both crises, such as famines, as well as reform projects, such as emancipation of serfs, could be observed through these lenses. Within the Russian Empire, relationship between ‘the empire proper’ and its more or less self-ruled regions, like Finland, Poland and the Baltic Provinces could offer interesting cases. In Scandinavian context, the Norwegian union status in the Swedish kingdom might as well offer potential for comparisons.

More specifically, when dealing with the relationship between regionalism, nationalism and empire, the following five points (Berger and Miller, 2008, 2014) might be of relevance: 1) mental mapping of empire 2) the role of elites (core vs periphery) 3) transportation, communication, emergence of public sphere 4) migration 5) economic development of empire and borderlands.

Historia Provinciae’s theme issue welcomes articles related these general themes. The deadline for article manuscripts is 15.4.2021.

The journal is published in parallel in English and in Russian (official site of the journal is http://en.hpchsu.ru/  or http://hpchsu.ru/ ). The journal publishes full-text versions of all the articles in both languages, and translation is free of charge for the authors of the journal.

Manuscript Submission Guidelines are here  http://en.hpchsu.ru/avtoram/trebovaniya-k-oformleniyu-rukopisey.php

Please, send your manuscripts to Managing editor of the issue,  Aappo Kähönen, Doctor of Social Sciences, Docent/adjunct professor, University of Helsinki (aappo.kahonen at helsinki.fi)
Aappo Kähönen
aappo.kahonen at helsinki.fi

Ilmoitus vanhenee: 15.4.2021 klo 23:59

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