[H-verkko] CFP: ICOHTEC Symposium –– Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

agricola at utu.fi agricola at utu.fi
To Helmi 4 09:00:21 EET 2016

Agricolan artikkelipyyntöihin on lähetetty uusi ilmoitus:
ICOHTEC Symposium –– Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
The International Committee for the History of Technology (ICOHTEC) will hold
its 44th Symposium in  Rio de Janeiro Brazil, on 23-29 July 2017. This meeting
will take place in conjunction with the 25th International Congress of the
History of Science and Technology (http://www.ichst2017.sbhc.org.br). The
general theme of the Congress is "Science, Technology and Medicine between the
Global and the Local." The Programme committee of ICOHTEC suggests interpreting
this theme broadly and encourages studies of the History of Science, Technology
and Medicine at global, national and local levels, across all periods, and from
a variety of methodological and historiographical approaches. In addition, the
programme committee has defined some subthemes, which are listed in the full
Call for Papers.

The symposium covers all periods and areas of the globe. We invite submissions
of new, original and unpublished work that offers fresh perspectives for the
history of technology as well as exploring sources and methods.

ICOHTEC welcomes proposals for individual papers and posters, but preference
will be given to organised sessions of three or more papers. The Programme
Committee will also consider submissions not directly related to the symposium
theme providing that they relate to the history of technology broadly defined.
Therefore, proposals dealing with interrelationships between the environment and
technology are also welcome.

All proposals must be in English, and should be submitted electronically by 29
February 2016 via our website
http://icohtec.org/annual-meeting/cfp-system/2017-rio/ . Please, find the Call
for Papers in the file attachment. It is also available via the link:

Best wishes,
Timo Myllyntaus
President of ICOHTEC

Ilmoituksen lähetti: Agricola <agricola at utu.fi>
Ilmoitus vanhentuu: 1.3.2016
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