[H-verkko] CFP: Monumental Treasures - Preservation and Conservation

agricola at utu.fi agricola at utu.fi
Su Apr 20 19:56:30 EEST 2014

Agricolan artikkelipyyntöihin on lähetetty uusi ilmoitus:
Monumental Treasures - Preservation and Conservation
Dear Conservators and other Preservers of Cultural Heritage
The Nordic Association of Conservators Finnish section has the honour to invite
you to the NKF XX Congress in Helsinki, Finland on 21-23 October 2015.

The theme of the congress is the preservation and conservation of monumental
cultural heritage objects. A monumental object is a notable building, space or
entity comprising of its exterior, interior and furnishings. The entity could
include layers and details from different eras. Monumental objects could also be
a prominent piece of art, textile or art collection.

Our goal at the congress is to present monumental restoration and conservation
projects that have been carried out in cooperation between various people within
the fields of conservation and preservation of cultural heritage, construction
representatives, property and art owners and local authorities. During the
congress we will become acquainted with on-going renovations projects in
Helsinki including the Presidential Palace, the Parliament Building and the
National Library of Finland.

Call for Papers

For presentations we kindly ask you to send in a maximum 300-word English
abstract on the subject and the title of the presentation. Be sure to include
your name, title, and other contact details and a short CV at the end of the
abstract. Abstracts should be sent by e-mail in Word or PDF by 10 October 2014
to info.nkf2015 at gmail.com. You may also participate in the congress with a

The length of each presentation is max. 20 minutes. The congress’
presentations will be published. Articles for the publication should be
delivered by 28 Feb. 2015. The congress’ working language will be English.

We look forward to active dialogue, experiences of challenging projects and
especially real-life examples of what we conservators face every day at work.

For more information visit:
info.nkf2015 at gmail.com

Welcome to Helsinki,
Nordic Association of Conservators (Nordic IIC group) - Finnish section

Ilmoituksen lähetti: jaana kataja <info.nkf2015 at gmail.com>
Ilmoitus vanhentuu: 11.10.2014
Lisätietoja WWW-osoitteesta: http://www.konservaattoriliitto.fi