[H-verkko] CFP: ESSHC 23-26 April 2014 in Vienna: Elites and forerunners network

agricola at utu.fi agricola at utu.fi
Ti Apr 9 15:55:59 EEST 2013

Agricolan artikkelipyyntöihin on lähetetty uusi ilmoitus:
ESSHC 23-26 April 2014 in Vienna: Elites and forerunners network
10th European Social Science History Conference, Vienna, 23-26 April 2014

Elites and forerunners network

Call for papers & sessions (deadline 15 May 2013)

Those who have encountered the ESSHC Elites network earlier will notice some
changes. The former Elites network is now 'Elites and forerunners'. There is
also a new motto - From counter-elites to establishment to stagnation, to
decline and fall. Both novelties stress the importance of a dynamic approach to
elites and their history, seeing them not only as holders of status and
privilege or as agents of stagnation, but also as forces of continuous societal
change. The decline and downfall of elites, sometimes followed by a
re-emergence, also deserve attention. Elites should be explored across the full
length of their life span.

The network is looking for individual contributions about the history of elites
understood in the widest possible sense. We also look for participants willing
to organize sessions of four to five papers around a particular topic. Each
session must include papers from several countries.

Sessions composed around thematic, theoretical or conceptual questions, with a
comparative approach, will be favoured to geographical and epoch-oriented
sessions. Session organizers may invite participants to join their session, but
the final organization of sessions and acceptance of papers to the conference
rests with the network. The network welcomes sessions dealing with theoretical
and methodological approaches. We encourage the session organizers to consider
new arrangements, such as workshops, roundtable discussions and meet-the-author

The network particularly urges the potential participants to consider novel
applications for our core concept. 'Elite' as a category may prove useful as
opposed to various 'non-elite' categories in many different contexts.

To celebrate the diverse history of the venue of the 2014 conference the network
wishes to promote certain topics inspired by the Austrian past. These are

empires and their margins, imperial vs. separatist-nationalist elites
court elites and court culture
diaspora elites vs. immigrating non-elite compatriots, tribesmen or fellow
artistic and architectural elites modernising the city culture
cold war diplomatic and other elites

As always, the possible topics of Elites and forerunners network include, but
are not limited to

local, national, colonial(ist), émigré, international and trans-national
military, clerical, intellectual, political, diplomatic, business, industrial
and media elites
elite lifestyles, strategies, symbolism and hierarchies
aspiring, established, stagnated, declining and former elites
types, sources and strategies of power and distinction

To participate in the conference you must pre-register by 15 May 2013 on the
ESSHC website at http://esshc.socialhistory.org/registrationinfo

Further information from marja.vuorinen at helsinki.fi

Ilmoituksen lähetti: Marja Vuorinen <marja.vuorinen at helsinki.fi>
Ilmoitus vanhentuu: 16.5.2013
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