[H-verkko] Helsinki, The changing role of memory and history in public life

agricola at utu.fi agricola at utu.fi
Pe Nov 16 13:23:43 EET 2012

Agricolan tapahtumakalenteriin on lähetetty uusi ilmoitus:

The changing role of memory and history in public life

Helsinki, Snellmaninkatu 12
3.12.2012 klo 10:15 – 3.12.2012 klo 11:45

"The changing role of memory and history in public life"

Guest lecture by Professor Paula Hamilton, University of Technology, Sydney

University of Helsinki, 3 December 2012, 10-12

Venue: The Swedish School of Social Science, Snellmaninkatu 12, Festival hall

In the 1980s the French historian Jean Chesneaux asked the question: what is
history for? His answer was framed by a lifetime of Marxist activism – but he
had only added three little letters to the famous question ‘what is
history?’ – asked years earlier by another Marxist sympathiser of the
English-speaking history world, E. H. Carr. Both these men lived through and
participated in defining moments of the twentieth century, and had major, though
very different, careers in public life.  Theirs was a grand notion that through
the writing of history combined with involvement in public affairs, one could
change the world and make it more equitable.   The last three decades has seen
a remarkable shift in our understanding of the purpose of history in many parts
of the world, particularly in terms of our relationship to the past, and the
emergence of memory in public life. But arguably the most significant change has
been at one level a question of prepositions  – from history for the people,
to history with and by the people. So, in the wake of  several studies which
have asked about the significance of the past in people’s lives and, how it is
being used and made in all its myriad of forms, within a digital landscape that
is transforming a sense of time and space, one might revisit the question –
what is history for? 


Professor Paula Hamilton is Director of the Centre of Creative Practice and
Cultural Economy at the University of Technology, Sydney, and Co-Director of the
Australian Centre for Public History. She is a historian who has specialised in
material culture, image and cultural memory. Professor Hamilton has published
widely in memory studies internationally and has worked locally in a range of
projects with community groups, museums, heritage agencies, and councils. She is
an editor of 'Public History Review' and 'Locality: a community history
journal', both of which act as a link between the academe and the wider

Contact: Heidi Haggrén, e-mail: heidi.haggren (at) helsinki.fi, tel.

Organizers:  Nordic Centre of Excellence NordWel (Nordic Welfare State –
Historical Foundations and Future Challenges)  Social Science History,
Department of Political and Economic Studies

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