[H-verkko] CFP: The Critical Production of Display and Interpretation in Art History. The 10th Triannual Nordik Committee for Art History Conference nordik 2012

agricola at utu.fi agricola at utu.fi
Ti Tammi 10 14:50:47 EET 2012

Agricolan Artikkelipyyntötietokantaan
( http://agricola.utu.fi/nyt/pyynnot/ )
on tullut seuraava ilmoitus:

The Critical Production of Display and Interpretation in Art History.
The 10th Triannual Nordik Committee for Art History Conference nordik

Call for papers, deadline January 15th,2012

The 10th Triannual Nordik Committee for Art History Conference nordik
2012 http://nordicarthistory.org/conference 


The Critical Production of Display and Interpretation in Art History

24-27 October 2012, Stockholm University and Södertörn University 

Keynote speakers: 

Professor Charlotte Klonk, Humboldt Universität, Berlin

Professor Pamela M. Lee, Stanford University

Professor Matthew Rampley, University of Birmingham

Display and interpretation are central to all forms of art historical
practice. Take, for instance, the interpretation of images through
reproductions, the display and interpretation of artworks in
installations, ephemeral gestures, the juxtaposition of non verbal
and verbal signs on printed pages, walls, in the air, etcetera.
Whether approached from the standpoint of museums, academia,
publishing houses or outside institutions, display is no mere
function of interpretation. It is a component in a complex
interpretative situation. This is no innocent situation but one that
can be regarded as part of discursive practice, where the task of
presentation of objects and images and representation of art
historical meaning and knowledge - consciously or unconsciously -
embrace elements of historical evaluation, ideological perceptions
and epistemological standpoints.

How do we go about the critical production of displays and
interpretations? How can we understand their historical or
contemporary production? These questions are of seminal importance
for historians of art across disciplines, institutional habitats,
research fields, or of preferred research objects. An obvious
background is the discussions of the last decade about changing forms
of presentation, visual technologies and strategies of interpretation.
This conference encourages critical reflection on these issues.

We invite paper proposals for the 21 sessions spanning a wide range
of topics. http://nordicarthistory.org/sessions nordik 2012

Submit a 1-2 page abstract, brief c.v. (two pages max.), and full
contact information by January 15, 2012. 

NB: Direct your communication both to the chairs of relevant sessions
and to the conference organisers at:
papers.nordik2012 at arthistory.su.se 

Ilmoituksen lähetti: Agricola <agricola at utu.fi>
Ilmoitus vanhentuu: 16.01.2012
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